
Yes, they do! Everything you can see in the pictures was grown on Madeira. The island has a very specific climate and fertile volcanic soil, which makes it possible for the local farmers to grow everything from tropical and subtropical fruits to crops that we grow here in Central Europe. Very special place :)

I totally hear you on the comment about the fish. It´s usually me who writes comments like this one to other people´s posts who write about visiting animal circuses, (some) zoos, dolphinariums and other facilities that are based on profiting from keeping wild creatures in captivity. Honestly, it was sad to see so many dead fishes and other marine creatures in one place but on the other hand, people have been fishing to feed themselves for millennia so I guess we should respect this way of making living. At least until the mankind goes fully vegan but I don´t see this happening any time soon.

I didn't know they grow so much there! Madeira sounds to me like the most beautiful place in Europe.

And about the fish.. I totally agree on that. I am honestly still confused if I should eat fish or not as it is Totally not necessary to eat it, but it is part of live so I eat it maximum once a month and I eat Tuna which is not catched with nets but with the fishing stick. All this farmed Salmon is even worse.
If I get back to Asia I will probably eat a bit more fish from the Small markets, but there is also a chance that I fully quit fish by then. You see, still confused.

Well, I haven´t seen all Europe so I cannot say but it definitely feels like Madeira is one of the most beautiful places ;) So many beauties of all kinds on such a small island, very impressive indeed.

Your approach towards diet is amazing. If everyone was like you, our planet would be in a much better condition. Thank you for being so thoughtful and respectful!