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RE: Magical Madeira: tour around Mercado dos Lavradores

in Photography Lovers3 months ago

I was looking forward to your next post about Madeira and for the reason! Amazing photographs!!! Markets in other countries are my weakness and my must-see. To be honest, I love markets even in small Ukrainian towns, and never miss our local Saturday market.

Your post revived so many memories of my trips! Ah... Unknown fruits, new flavors. Once, long ago, when my hubby and I visited a fish market in Split, Croatia, there was one fish, it was very popular, every seller had it and it was cheap. We had a barbeque in the yard of our apartments and were going to cook some fish. So we risked to buy it. Now I have no clue what we were thinking about. How to cook a fish that you even don't know the name? We did as usual - a little lemon juice, a little olive oil, and salt. It was tasty, to our surprise. 😊😊😊

Sorry to hear about the terrible death of Black Scabbardfish though. And particularly my attention was caught by the tuna 😍


Thanks for this lovely feedback my friend! Honestly, I always prefer natural sites to urban locations when exploring foreign countries but I totally agree that street markets are a great place to learn about the local culture, traditions and cuisine ;) I can also relate to your memory. It was in Split, many many years ago, where I saw the sea for the first time in my life and that moment will never be forgotten :) I remember we visited a fish market there too so it´s possible that I saw the same fish that you guys picked for your adventurous barbecue haha :D The way you prepared it though is definitely the safest and most reliable way to tackle a fish meal so I´m sure it was delicious ;)

I just imagine how great it would be to met with our spouses all together ... )) Maybe one day?

That would be epic! Hopefully one day, for sure :)