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RE: Being cautious

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 months ago (edited)

Well, I can understand that you are a bit of an introvert type of person who really can't resist if someone asks for help. Like helping that guy with your phone... Also I would never have asked anyone what happened to them in a lonely place. (That could be a monster and will eat me if I approached).

Well, this doesn't mean i don't help but i see the situation first clearly.


(That could be a monster and will eat me if I approached).


hahah, a monster?

Yes, that was something that I wanted to talk about, to see first the situation and act accordingly 😇

Yeah, I have watched it in movies. Lonely night, somebody laying in the middle of the road and a car stops. Hey what happened!! Asks the guy coming out of the car and that somebody turns into a monster and eats him/her. 😵😵‍💫🫨