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RE: Being cautious

There is a saying in my language "Crazy and good, born brothers".

I can't even remember how many times I helped strangers in passing... Unfortunately, I don't remember all the situations that ended well, and the ones that remained are ugly memories. Maybe it will be so good that I never forget, even though I have forgiven.

A few years ago, I was parking my car next to a shopping mall in Hungary. Approaching the entrance, I see two men who are transporting large glass panels (window glass) on carts.
The cart falls into the hole with one wheel, bends to one side, and one of them tries to hold the glass plates with his gloved hands.
On this occasion, the glass returns to its initial position, while pinching the fingers of both hands.
Another man runs up, also wearing gloves, trying unsuccessfully to pry the plates apart so that the other man can get his fingers out.
I run up without thinking. Even though I don't have gloves, I don't know the language they speak, I grab the glass panel and with our joint efforts, we manage to separate the panel, so that he can get his fingers out.
But... On that occasion, I cut the palm of my left hand deeply.
The two of them walk away almost without a word, and I am left alone in the parking lot with an injured arm. From the first aid kit in the car, I take a bandage and bandage the cut myself.
This was one situation where I was hurt. Those situations, when I ran out of money, toys, and even a mobile phone, I would not like to recount.
I learned a lot from my mistakes, I wasn't as smart as your little son thinking of possible scenarios...


Oh wow, what a situation, cutting yourself with that glass and they didn't even thank you 😳

Unfortunately, people can be like that, ungrateful.

yeah, there is also the thing when we help others with money and it doesn't finish well. It is good when we can learn from our mistakes, actually, that is the most effective way when we learn it the hard way :D