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RE: Being cautious

We live in a sad world where everyone is suspicious of everyone, including me. Sometimes when I am out and about I feel uncomfortable walking behind a single female, for no other reason than we are walking at the same pace.

Why am I uncomfortable? because going through my mind is she questioning in her head.

Is he following me? Why is he walking behind me? What is his intentions? Am I safe.

Every man seems to be seen as a predator in the media and in society, manipulation by those pulling the strings; without chaos they cannot control us.

On the flipside. No I would never intervene with strangers no matter what is happening. there are too many "have a go heroes" under the soil in graveyards. If necessary I would call the cops, nothing more nothing less. No I am not selfish, but I have no inclination to hasten my departure to eternal darkness.


Your every word is worth gold! You are so right that there are prejudices that have formed over the years... but we can't completely neglect our experience that was determined by the circumstances or places where we lived.

Also, you are saying a lot of truth about being careful with strangers. Next time I will probably think twice whether I would do the same I did or as you say, call the police or ambulance, so they see the situation better.

Just stay safe, one life, it is precious, always think of your own kith and kin above all else. No, it is not selfish, never feel selfish.