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RE: Being cautious

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 months ago (edited)

Change all your passwords, now.
I would have helped him, but I was calling the bank, not him. Porque es mi teléfono y es personal. And let him speak into the loudspeaker if it was to tell them to freeze his accounts. Or I would accompany him to the hotel reception to make the call. But Miss Mipiano, you can always count till 10 and think a bit before you act.

Si ves a una persona tirada en el suelo, no debes tocarla, porque no sabes manipular a un herido. Solo llama a emergencias. Es lo que te corresponde. Y además... Puede ser una encerrona, es verdad.


Cómo peleas, aunque ya no es temprano 😂

I know, I was thinking about all of that - later, but when it happened I was just not aware of all the possible outcomes 🤐

I checked at home the number he called... it indeed corresponds to a bank in Iceland 😅

Fíjate si peleo que olvidé a Buda por completo. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Disappearances and reappearances of Buddha seem very suspicious to me. 🧐

Siiiii, Buda, has visto? 😃

Maybe he brought back that stolen phone, I don't know how and from where he appeared again this Sunday

I believe we should focus not on his absence or presence, but on the message he wants to deliver through those actions.

So what is the message he wants to deliver?

¿Él sigue allí?

hoy sí que estaba allí ;)