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RE: Being cautious

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 months ago (edited)

Yes all those situations you have mentioned are complicated, I suppose that we act in the moment and after we think what would have happened , I'm very careful with those kind of situations because where I come from we hear all kinds of story that people scam others I agree with you that it is about our instinct if we believe in it what is happening, if I don't believe it I try to be polite and say sorry I can't help you I have to run 😅😅

Buena reflexión señorita Mipiano de de las situaciones peligrosas 😅😂😂


You are right, it also depends on the environment, from where we come from so we should be more or less careful. Oh, yeah, be polite but then run, and I am sure you would do it perfectly as pumas run fast, don't they? 😂😂😂

Gracias, caimanarte 😇
