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RE: Sunflowers at Burnside Farm: Market Friday

in Market Friday11 months ago

It always amazes me how much 100 acres really are! In the world of sunflowers, once it covers most of the land, it will look like an endless sea of beauty, something that will take your breath away. I hope it blooms as planned, but we all know Mother Nature will have its own plan. :)

There is something redeeming about flowers in nature and sunflowers carry it with them wherever they are. You are right, I do so love it there at the Sunflower Farm!

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words and your link! As always, thank you for your support! I hope you are staying cool up there! We are dying on the vine here. :)

#MarketFriay loves you!


Yes Mother nature for sure lets us know often who is in control :)

Have a great day

Thanks so much! It is Saturday! It is hard to not have a great one, especially given the weather is perfect today!

Enjoy the beauty of this day!