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RE: Small Update to the CryptoCompany Voting Service | Valid Only for Posts Not Older Than 24 Hours

in CryptoCompany CEO2 months ago

hmmm, this will be long and I hope I do not offend anyone because I really want to brainstorm what inside my head

1. The 24 hours rule

everyone runs for the 24 hours rule because it gives them higher curation rewards. However personally I strongly do not agree with this. I have some talks with a few people, they refused to upvote some posts (from their friend too), because mostly they found those at the age of more than 3 days so they prefered to vote newer post for the sake of good voting APR.

It's a sad thing to see posts judged whether they get voted or not due to aging, not for the content or the value inside the post. I hope you will consider this 24 hours rule, because I believe you are not seeking highest APR from voting.

2. Limitation and Eligibility

I think we need some limitation that allow or prohibit anyone from burning CCD for votes. For example, an account could only submit one post per 24 hours or per day. If they do not have any staked CCD, they could only submit two post per week, after that they get locked until next week.

Only whitelisted or 100.000 staked CCD accounts can submit one post per day and 7 posts per week. or maybe you want to add some rule based on CCP, for example, everyone can only submit twice a week, to be able to do once everyday they need to be in Bronze or Silver Tier.

Oh God I write too long. basically these all are part of my ideas for PGM-curator. ok that's all for today, cya



[@PowerPaul:] Hey @dewabrata. Thank you very much for your thoughts about the topic and the impulses that come with it. I like to answer you.

The 24 hours rule

Yes, I heard about long time ago about this time settings/effects. To be honest: but I don't know the differences; when you make which cut. Do you know them and can write them down here? This is interesting and maybe good to know. I totally agree with your meaning. What you reported is really sad. I totally agree with you, that the content should be the factor - and not if the article is 12 hours, 2 or 5 days old. Yeah, I personally think we all should act in the social correct way - and not in the most benefit way. Because if we all would act in the most profitable way, where would our chain end? Yes, there are some people here where are more focused on the revolution, others on their personal benefit.

In the role I am I do prefer to not judge behavior of any Hivian, but I have my standing and personal values and like to integrate good values into CCCEO - and I agree with you. Bro, you are right with your assumption. Sure I have to fill the fridge + sometimes I like to consume this or that, so I don't have problems with a better cut. But at the end, and that's the base, I am and work here because of the revolution our chain can provide to everyone - and I am happy to know your standing on this point! Feels really good to be with you and all the guys where think the same...

Limitation and Eligibility

The first sentence I don't would say - because I prefer as much CCD burnt as possible actually (and I think you didn't had in focus the burning, but the mass usage of the voter from a single user in a short period of time; in correlation to your further writing).

Yes, your ideas are pretty good. I had this or something similar in mind - this were a few of my options I was able to choose from. It is very likely that, if I have to adapt for the next level demand, I will go in this direction. Nothing settled right now, but this could be a acceptable way. But to be open: staking CCD is an active part of supporting CCCEO and there are some users where like to benefit from CCCEO, but hesitate or refuse to support CCCEO. So I think it just would be fair to make benefits for active supporters. And yes, the CCD stake or CCPower could be the factor. It is very likely that - I don't want to exclude - but would prefer to support the supporters of CCCEO. It is like "one hand washes the other" and I think it would be sad if non-supporters drain the voter and CCCEO supporter can't fetch their votes. Much more it is my responsibility to reward the supporters. So you see: it is very likely that something like this will come up as soon as the service needs the next edit.

I write to long

No, not for me. Everything is totally fine and I really welcome detailed thoughts and formulated thoughts. I see it as an honor that you spend this time for CCCEO and the community. I am very thankful for that! And I know (when I look at my own writings) that we need words to tell what we like to say. You are very welcome to do so! I and we as a community can be very thankful for that! I am!

Buddy, great to be with you! And I look forward for every further dialogue and exchange!