Warning: A New Facebook Scam Is Stealing Hive Tokens

in #hive4 years ago (edited)

Dear Hivers,

We are already seeing multiple scams on Discord. But this one is different.

And it is deadly serious...

Because a lot of people are falling for it. The scam account has received dozens of transactions within hours.

You see, on Facebook, a new account is impersonating the Hive official account. It promises to give you 900,000 Hive tokens as a bonus.


A Scam That Works

Our scammer is clever. He isn't merely posting on Facebook. He is doing more than that.

Here is a glimpse of his frequent posting:


Here's what is actually happening:

First, he finds your username on Hive. Then he does a reverse search to find your real name.

And finally, once he finds your real name, he tags you by sharing your post. This way you – and your friends – can see the scammy message. It reaches to more people, you see.

So if you are tagged on your personal Facebook account — then avoid it at all cost.

Never entertain such messages.

Just. Ignore. It.

Further Investigation

The Facebook post points to an account on Hive.

At a quick glance, you will see this is an unused account with no posts and activities.


And very little Hive, right?

Actually, Hive.blog hasn't updated the number of Hive tokens. The account, when you check the wallet, has over 48,000 tokens in liquid.

At the current price of 70 cents, that's over $36,000!


Plus, you can also see the tokens transferred by users. Look at the time:


In fact, the scammer is also receiving tokens from exchanges like Huobi and Bittrex, which makes me feel like there is another ongoing scam yet to be revealed.

Update 1: As mentioned in the comments, the account actually belongs to MXC. However, the scammer used a different memo to trap the users. He has failed.

Update 2: Overall, I hope and wish you will avoid falling for such scams. Also, I hope Facebook will take this page down as several of us are reporting it. [link here]

Just hope it is not too late.


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NO ONE HAS FALLEN FOR THIS! At least not yet. I checked every single transaction and there is not a single one with the memo 100219 (the wallet of the scammer)
This mxchive is the legit HIVE account of our new exchange MXC btw...
The scammer is just posting his wallet memo on facebook...

The wallet of the scammer with MXC's account. Right. I have updated the post. Thank you!

Overall, we discovered another ongoing scam not worth paying attention to.

Ah, wash scamming his transactions to make it look like people are actually doing it.

I seriously don't know if you are trolling. legit transactions, legit exchange, 1 scammer and his memo...

What am I trolling about?

He is making it look like legit transactions from people falling for it but its just him doing it? I haven't looked much into it but that is what I'm thinking. Are you trolling?

I'm trolling! So now what! Huh! HUh! What you gonna do huh!

Haha right? Geeesh. No idea what I did was so wrong. TROLL ME once TROLL me TWICE I'm on to you!😀

Uncontrollable trolls strolling and patrolling the trolley.

Why are people falling for this? That's one of the oldest and shittiest scams ever.

This platform needs a common scam database that's consistently updated.

So true. Nothing new as well. Scams have served well over the number of years.

In fact, I jumped in quickly on this.

This is why I am reinvestigating as we speak. It appears the account belongs to MXC... and the scammer is pointing deposit to the MXC account (maybe as a test).

Overall, the Facebook posting is rigorous.

Let's see what happens next. Once this ends, new one appears.

Hopefully people are smart. One simple rule to follow: Don't give your money away. Simple, done.

People lose logic the moment greed kicks in. Century old formula. Sadly.

I just got a Discord message this morning about giving away free bitcoin. If someone off the platform is asking you to give them Hive, it's obviously a load of trash. Unless it comes from a whale posting it from here, linking to that mainstream social media post, I ignore all of them claiming free coins or the like. Unfortunate that people fall for these things. Even masking or making an account look as close as it can be to a legit one is a real pain in the ass. The steemmonster account on Steem has received a hell of a lot of cards and stuff from people leaving out the S at the end.

I saw that someone accidentally sent 180k powerdown Steem to an account that was so similar to the exchange account but was off by one character, I feel bad for the person who sent it. No matter what goes on, people will still be assholes, that's one thing you can guarantee on.

I ignore all of them claiming free coins or the like.

You just said what's important. In one line.

No matter what goes on, people will still be assholes, that's one thing you can guarantee on.



Found the post, poor guy sending it to bittrix not bittrex.

Shocked! A part of me was numb reading this. Damn! Thanks for sharing.

Yesterday's prices, that's almost 160k$ if converted 1:1 to Hive. Absolutely insane!

Wth! I still can't believe people fall for this. Thanks for being on this!

Right. I made an update to the post. Thanks for dropping by!

People get smart, scammers get smarter.....

Maybe in the end, it's the mistake of the people who are too greedy to check it to be true or not.

True. Always a step ahead. I am surprised as the account, as per a member, belongs to MXC. Not sure why would scammer request tokens to be sent... to MXC.

Given the current buzz about hive, every scammer will look to find out some way to make some money - people should definitely be cautious and not fall into it.

So true. Popularity attracts scammers. Best to ignore the noise!

Wow. Thanks for sharing

Hope all is safe. :)

It looks like a way to be 'scammed' so as to avoid any 'repercussions' (tax or otherwise, I dunno).
Seems like a set up to transfer money, not an actual 'scam..'

hero12 's account..
viking flats  Copy  Copy  Copy.jpg

Wow. Great for u to share this. Insightful. No matter what, any info is good info. Have a great day. I got phished very long ago. Because of greed I guess. Luckily I was able to recover my account.

This continues now he has another page.