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RE: Derrick Broze on the Summit and Pact for the Future

in #life2 months ago

I have seen aquaponics systems in apartments I worked in locally. The couple not only met their needs, but surpassed them considerably for market purposes. Every bit of their production was inside their home, with the hydroponics creating an incredible indoor garden through clever design. No one has to buy food anymore. Any place people can live they can grow food. Very tight quarters, slums without much sunlight or access to electricity for LED lights, have greater challenges by far, but there are ways for folks in such situations to work together to resolve their common challenges. Folks with ordinary apartments, where utilities like electricity are reliable, can easily automate much of the work, running bubblers or pumps, lights, and timers for schedules. The entirety of Big Ag is under threat because humanity is gaining production capacity that scales to individual households, and not massive factory farms requiring hoards of capital. Even better, growing indoors enables pest control to consist of screen doors. No biocides necessary. Also, by growing your own you get to determine what varieties you grow. Monsanto will grow GMO crops resistant to RoundUp. You can grow any heirloom you want, purple carrots, blue corn, whatever tickles your fancy or your tastebuds.

Dear my repected senior @valued-customer !
I imagined you were currently living in heaven.
I am always amazed by your optimism.
However, there were many people like this around me, so I had a negative feeling that it would be difficult for me to accept your optimism.😂

suicide rate


Clearly having such a negative and dour outlook on life that people suicide reveals the unreasonable and false views those people have. It was such poor outlook that caused me to undertake the complete examination of my beliefs, discarding those which I could not support, and retaining only those I could reasonably establish. I am not become some Pollyanna, unable to conceive of bad things happening, but by maintaining only beliefs that have basis in reason I have avoided bleak pessimism.

The passage you cite is not some belief in fabulous, fantastic dreams, but production I have seen with my own eyes, and touched with my own hands. Is it optimism to know by experience that such capabilities are at hand, easily attainable with intent? Not at all. It isn't faith, belief, or fantasy, but practical experience you have termed optimism. Having seen aquaponics in operation, I can confidently understand any denial or claim it can't be done as unreasonable, nothing more than doom and gloom, without basis in reality.
