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RE: Hard Milk And Chicken

in #life6 months ago (edited)

I recommend this one and it is very easy to prepare. for yours espisa and children 2 geandes breasts cut into strips adibas with crushed garlic in mortar salt pepper and 2 chili peppers to your liking. you sauté them in corn or soy oil, whichever one is easier to acquire and butter, you sauté it, besides have the mushrooms, the milk cream and the striped cheese of your taste, I like the white one.

when the chicken is almost done you add a white wine gilpe to that amount, sauté and so add mushrooms, milk cream with enveloping movements and grated cheese and then to taste friend ☀️

Cheers! for the good milk my


Ah that sounds lovely. I do love a good chicken dish! Cheers milady, I shall try this!