
Tough seeing people getting burned. I guess sometimes learning the hard way is the best way to learn though.

If they're not putting much in, it's probably good to just give them the basic tools necessary to make an informed decision? Instead of sounding like you're totally against it, a balanced approach could actually get them to listen. Especially if you look into it with them?

Normally I don't want to be involved, at all. The only time I'll want to say something is if I'm sure they're about to get ripped off, or if I sense they're boarding the hype train and about to buy at the top. Crypto in general isn't something that excites me anyway. All people want to do is gamble, wait for a pump, then gauge success on when they dumped. Projects suffer because of that. So I'm not the right individual to talk to if someone wants to do that stuff because I'll say no every time and don't want to be bothered.

True, some people do dump, rather than find something they believe in :( ... We don't need that type in good projects