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RE: Memoir Monday - Week 8 (4/29 to 5/5)

Did your son's grades take a dip too?

Thank you! Success happened about 25 years later than it would of otherwise would but, as they say, everything happens for a reason. I really believe that. I probably would have ended up as either in medicine or in computer science if I stayed on my original path. I enjoyed writing but didn't think I'd be able to make a career of it.

This prompt brought up some old, uncomfortable, memories for me but it's all part of my journey.


It did, he was bullied because of envy as he is talented, is beautiful inside and outside, way too kind hearted. He became depressed and started body-building while at school. The gym owners are an awesome couple, and helped him a lot. He never finished his diploma, failed only one subject! Long sad story, he lost a special friend to suicide, he was her best friend for over 8 years, he was devastated. Her Mom still keeps contact with us both. Thankfully, he's in a much better head space now...
Both my boys are super special souls.

I'm glad the was able to find that outlet (body-building) to make himself feel better. It really helped me but I took it to the extreme. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of his friend! That would be a very difficult thing to have to go through. It sounds like you raised your boys right!

Thank you Eric, they both had wonderful unique personalities from a young age, I'm very proud of them 🥰