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RE: Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1595

in #niche2 months ago

Awww thankyou so much @macchiata for caring enough to share my post, I really appreciate it!

And to you @ocd for creating this curation stream aswell.

It's great work that you all do here, helping promote other peoples posts and I will dive into the chosen posts asap!


I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you can take time to recover. It was a heartwarming read too and I hope others find the same. Have a great day!

Thank you so much once again!

I hope that others see and heed my advice by recording their loved one- whether it be by video or just voice memos on the phone.

There really is no excuse anymore when they're are such a huge myriad of free apps to do it from your phone- unlike the old days when it was a clunky tape recorder and the was there