New WOO Partner Announcement!

in #woogame7 months ago


Tajiri: An International Wrestling Icon Joins the Roster!

We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to the Wrestling Organization Online (WOO) family – the legendary Tajiri! This partnership marks a significant milestone for both Tajiri and WOO, as we proudly welcome our first international wrestler to the roster.

Exciting Partnership for Tajiri and WOO

Partnering with Tajiri is a monumental moment for WOO and the wrestling community at large. Tajiri brings a wealth of experience, skill, and an international fanbase that will undoubtedly enhance the WOO experience. This collaboration is a testament to our commitment to uniting wrestling legends with our innovative platform, creating a space where their legacies can thrive in the digital realm.


A Brief History of Tajiri in Wrestling

Tajiri, whose real name is Yoshihiro Tajiri, hails from Japan and has made a significant impact on the global wrestling scene. Known for his lightning-fast strikes, technical prowess, and unique in-ring style, Tajiri has left an indelible mark on fans worldwide.

His career includes notable stints in major wrestling promotions, including ECW (Extreme Championship Wrestling), WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), and various Japanese organizations. Tajiri is celebrated for his achievements in both singles competition and tag team action, captivating audiences with his versatility and innovative maneuvers.

WOO's First International Wrestling Partner

Tajiri's addition to the WOO roster is particularly special as he becomes our first international wrestling partner. This opens up new horizons for WOO, showcasing our commitment to bringing together diverse talents from around the globe. Tajiri's inclusion adds a unique flavor to the WOO experience, further solidifying our status as a global hub for wrestling entertainment.


Sonny Onoo Facilitates the Deal

The credit for this exciting collaboration goes to none other than our esteemed WOO partner and #Hive user, @sonnyonoo. Sonny played a pivotal role in facilitating this deal, leveraging his extensive network within the wrestling industry to bring Tajiri on board. It's a testament to the strength of the WOO community and the collaborative spirit that defines our project.

Call to Action: Vote for Our Hive Witness

As we continue to elevate the WOO experience by bringing in renowned talents like Tajiri, we invite you, the #hive user and our valued community, to support us in another significant endeavor. WOO is actively involved in promoting the Hive blockchain by onboarding notable personalities with substantial fanbases. To further strengthen our impact, we urge you to vote for WOO as your preferred Hive witness.

Your vote empowers us to continue fostering partnerships with wrestling legends, enhancing the visibility of the Hive blockchain, and creating a dynamic space for fans and creators alike. Together, let's make WOO and Hive the go-to destinations for wrestling entertainment and blockchain innovation.

Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey with WOO!

Vote for WOO as your Hive witness here.

Let the revolution in wrestling and Web3 continue!


Did you know we've recently launched our witness for @wrestorgonline, if you like what we're creating please consider supporting us by voting here.

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That's really great news!

Awesome that you guys are finding and succeeding with partners from the wrestling world.
Keep it up!!

How amazing, more WOO cards and more action in the game.
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not only is tajiri the 1st international partner, HE'S THE 1ST ACTIVE WRESTLER SIGNED AS A PARTNER TOO! He just debuted in KPW in January. We're going to have fun with him in the game as well as using all of his ruthless aggression era gifs lol!


#woo #woogame

very nice!!!

Another amazing coup from the #WOO team!!!

Things continue to heat up in the #WOOGame

glad to have new partner, congrats. 😀

This is amazing for all of us at the WOO community. Congratulations 🎉

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That's just super awesome to know. Who is growing each and everyday partnering and supporting wrestlers world wide #WOOgames

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