Suggestions on How to AMPLIFY the Results of Discovering One's BEST Self!

in #health2 years ago (edited)

In my last post I highlighted what I consider to be the three biggest components of maximizing one's potential; specifically, maximizing the degree, duration, and sustainably of experiencing the most pleasant, healthful, and peaceful qualities in the human experience (being stabilized in feelings of peace, love, joy, health, compassion, self-awareness, relaxation, calmness, courage, being present, etc). They are:

1.) Aiming high (don't settle for less than maximizing those qualities mentioned above when trying to manifest that reality through meditation, visualization, self-affirmations, etc.)

2.) Being as calm, relaxed, and present while using one's chosen method to "re-wire" one's self-beliefs, to align with the TRUTH (that we all have the potential to live a life that is dominated by those beautiful qualities of existence).

3.) Choosing a method to help reveal the truth, and to reap said rewards.

In that post, I covered two supplemental techniques to satisfy #3, in the hand-to-heart and hand-to-head exercises (both forms of meditation - you could even call them a "self-guided meditation").

Today, I aim to provide a few more suggestions on how to maximize the benefits of using those two forms of meditation together.

More on Combining the Hand-to-Heart and Hand-to-Head Meditations:

In yesterday's post I gave a couple suggestions for questions to pose to yourself; to "give to your heart", while absorbed in the experience of observing your "heart-space" (feeling out the sensations occurring there; trying to feel deep inside for answers). As I stated in that post, I think that asking oneself questions like this, in the manner that I just described, can be a potent way to experience the powerful realization(s) that we're after. I also mentioned that there are many other options that also work, and that some of them may work better for some than for others.

I'm going to go into one of those other options right now.

Rather than pose a question and trying to search for an answer, make a STATEMENT and then PROVE it by FINDING it! Allow me to explain.

Try to state to yourself, specifically to your heart-space (while holding your attention there and trying to be aware of all the subtle sensations happening in, and around, that area) that you are ____________________ (and then name the quality, or qualities, that you intend to maximize - some examples: peaceful, joyful, loving, lovable, compassionate, strong, courageous, insightful, wise, etc.).

Then, "dive inside" (of the sensations inside of your chest, near the heart-space) to prove that statement. Affirm that you are peaceful or, if you prefer, that you ARE PEACE (itself!), by first stating "I am peaceful" (silently, inside, to yourself), then "going inside", seeking out the feelings/ sensations that confirm it.

You can alternatively state "I am peace", "here, peaceful", "here, peace", or even "peaceful" or "peace" (as you're aware that by saying this you're making the statement to yourself that you "are that" or "have that"), or whatever other form(s) of the statement(s) sit best with you.

This is about making it YOUR OWN meditation and discovery, so try to learn to trust your own intuition as to what methods and, in this case, what forms of statement(s) work best. Furthermore, it's important that you maintain a feeling of STRONG INTENT to prove this to yourself (that you are, or have, that quality that you're stating you are/ have).

This method is more in-line with what I first suggested in the hand-to-heart article, and one that works particularly well for myself. That said, I do seem to get added benefits by alternating to the "pose a question" (and search for an answer inside) technique from time to time.

The Hand-to-Head method can be combined with this by making the same statement (internally, with your inner-voice, powered by STRONG INTENT) to your head; specifically, to the "third-eye" area (about a centimeter above the center of your eyebrows). You make the same statement and you make the same search to seek out proof (this time in your "head-space"), only the proof this time may not come as a feeling or sensation, but rather as a vision or intuitive sense of knowing.

So, the idea here is to give attention to both areas at the same time (heart-space and head-space) when making the statement, all the while holding the intention that both your head and heart seek out the proof. Making that intention as clear and strong as you can manage. Holding the expectation that it will be confirmed in every way imaginable, to include your feelings/ sensations (heart) and your self-image/ intuition (head).

We're going through the process of aligning virtually everything that makes up one's psyche - belief system, feelings, emotions, self-image, and resulting world-concepts - with the desired condition of maximizing all those wonderful qualities that we want to experience more of in our lives (peace, love, joy, compassion, courage, etc.).

And I absolutely WILL double-down on my statement yesterday, that EVERYONE has the the potential to experience more of those healthful and, in every way, beneficial qualities of existence. I'm confident in stating that this is the absolute truth!

May you find all that you seek, with a good heart and a healthy mind!


Aiming high is always needed, staying calm can help us to think precisely and gives us strength which helps us choosing the right methods.

Yes, a calm, clear, mind is the biggest key to making sure that we're walking the right path and aware of the signals as to which paths aren't going to provide us with fruits that are worth the trek.