What Are The Biggest Weaknesses Of Web3 Games?

I was about 18 years old when I started playing Java game, I think it was real football. Then I played PES, Football Manager, and even Mortal Combat. During these periods, gaming was completely free; all you needed was a device and a website to download whatever game you wanted. Back then, it was either sefan.ru or waptrick, and that was my first introduction to primitive early gaming.

I did not play during the new era of COD (Call Of DUTY) and other better games, and I believe what turned me off was that these games were not free to play. You needed money to purchase equipment, guns, ammunition, and other items that allowed you to compete; otherwise, your gaming adventures would be less enjoyable.

Surprisingly, the rewards they provided cannot be easily converted to cash, so you essentially throw in money and receive a non-monetary reward, and many people were very pleased with it. Call of Duty was a modern-day game that many people enjoyed playing. People invested real money in play and many other games. I will not blame them; some of these games are extremely addictive, and once you start investing in them, you are hooked.

We Played Web2 Games For Fun

They were excellent games with some of the best graphics available, but web3 games emerged and established an expectation of reward that is most visible during the bull market but mostly unsustainable during the bear market.

Many people who played web2 games are now playing web3 games. When Anxie Infinity was released, many people jumped in from web2 and made a lot of money, but the majority of these people were unable to stay when the game began to experience sustainability issues during the bear market.

Anxie Infinity Was Paying Top Dollar

Web2 gamers are currently mocking web3 games, primarily because it is always difficult to retain value when players prefer to extract value at all times and leave none inside. However, most of these guys forget that they invested in games for the sake of vanity and never received any real reward. So, because the money refuses to flow 100% of the time, they become irritated that the money is drying up, even though what they do is extract value.

Most of these games suffer from psychological bias, which means that when there is an expectation of reward, most people overestimate how much they can make, unaware that money must be invested in the game in order for them to be rewarded.

Over expectations are the reason why web3 games are struggling, particularly during the bear market

This is because people simply want to receive a reward without considering the viability or long-term ability of a game to generate profits if they are not invested in that game.


For example, look at splinterlands. It is a new generation of web3 games that reward you for participating. Nevertheless, you must be vested. So it surprises me when people say it is pay-to-play. Prior to the introduction of web3 games, people paid to play web2 games. So, if web3 games offers you a percentage of the money you invest, I do not think that is bad. What is bad is paying to play and receiving nothing in return.

There is no guarantee that you will triple your investment with web3 games. If, for example, 10,000 people invest $100 each in Splinterlands and hope to make $400 in profit at the same time, the game will essentially become a Ponzi scheme. The only time a web3 game will provide life-changing rewards is during a bull market, and this will vary depending on how much money you initially invested.

Because they are backed by crypto. Some players are no longer playing for fun and are always expecting the game to yield profits; however, the profits must come from somewhere.

Of course, it is fun to play and earn $100 every day, but profits like this can not last four years, especially for a game that relies on investors to stay sustainable and in business.

It's Pay-To-Play-To-Earn

So there is nothing wrong with a web3 game that requires you to pay to play before you can earn. It is a business venture, and developers, graphic artists, and others must be compensated, with investors bearing the brunt of the cost. This is where the passion for the game comes in. I received a comment in which a person asked when Soulbound cards on Splinterlands would be exchangeable for dollars, and I believe I told them that the reward would remain soulbound for now.

In the back of my mind, I believe the card will never be unlocked or exchanged for DEC, because the money must come from somewhere.

A Lot Of Work To Be Done

I am not saying that web3 games are perfect; rather, my point is that it is a working system that requires money to help you make money, which is both its biggest advantage and its biggest disadvantage. There are high expectations for web3 and the games built on it. Why? There are many promises made by web3 that cannot be fulfilled in the short term, which is why it appears that web3 is exceeding expectations.

It requires a great deal of trust and building. As for Splinterlands, I do not think it is perfect; I just feel like the game's creators are desperate to keep it going, which has resulted in questionable and desperate measures.

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It's a real conundrum because I played COD and paid extra for new maps etc, because it was fun, but the monetary cost was low in comparison to web3.

You can get some cheap decks for a few $, but all the best cards can run to hundreds of $ which seems crazy to "play" a game. I used to think paying $50 was expensive compared to a web3 game, how things have changed!

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Yeah the monetary cost was low in comparison to how much you needed to pay to play Anxie or splinterlands for web2 the developers made all the money there was to be made and those guys even extracted more money and became wealthy. I think the first of playing web3 games can actually go down or get lower, but then I still think it can be futuristically better.

Thanks for the curation

In the back of my mind, I believe the card will never be unlocked or exchanged for DEC, because the money must come from somewhere.

Do you believe unlocking them by burning DEC will not eventually be added? It's true, that many soulbound cards are in circulation, but I don't expect so many to be unlocked because of the fee, so I believe this will get added unless there is another reason not to unlock them.

Great post, btw!

I just think splinterlands INC is looking for a way to keep the money in, so they won't be unlocking it. It you see the changes that have happened, it shows they're desperately trying to keep the money in, and that's why they took away the ability for gladius cards to be convertible to DEC.
So I don't see it happening, many will simply just burn the cards and cash out for Dec and splinterlands INC wouldn't want this

I don't think the unlocking fee would be set such that it makes sense to pay DEC to unlock and then burn or sell at a low price. You would end up on the losing side. In fact, burning DEC may help almost guarantee a floor price for each soulbound card on the market. It doesn't mean that there will be people willing to buy at those prices, but in some cases, there could be if they want to upgrade these cards and the sets are out of print.

If the unlocking fees will be relatively high, I don't expect many to unlock their soulbound cards because it simply wouldn't be worth it.

It's all about sustainability. If the reward structure isn't appealing, then even if it's a good game, people will walk away. However, if it is very rewarding, then people will abuse the system.

Even if it's as rewarding, there has to be people vested in the game for others to be able to take profit. For me, I feel it's both a strength and weakness

Tokennomics. They should be collecting revenue from partnerships and sponsorships which help fuel the token price as well as rolling out new products that people want. There's far too little mindset in terms of simply getting people to buy more and that's it. there's more to it just like any mainstream gaming company.

You're right about this, unfortunately they haven't done any of this. It's mostly not about buying more, investors wants to see active progress and it's a dicey place for most web3 games including splinterlands. However, I think the splinterlands INC has what it takes to turn things around

You're absolutely right buddy, I always saw no value in paying for Web 2 games. It always surprised me how people did that. I always tried to find MOD versions... The value of Web3 is definitely the P2E feature because it does give value to your investments...

However my issue with it is that some non Web3 games are so fun that people actually pay to play even if they earned nothing, but here's my question, will people play most not all Web3 games if there's no incentive

People who are visionary about tech and the future will actually play web3 games even if it's not as incentivizing. To me, web2 games don't pay anything except for the fun. Splinterlands for example is my best game because it's absolutely intriguing. So web3 for me..

That's a right answer man.... You're indeed a visionary I absolutely respect that and you're right Web3 is also very intriguing with or without the incentives

If you know how much money some people are throwing in Call Of Duty game, you’d marvel and it’s crazy that they are not getting anything from it…

Well there are people in the world who invest a lot in call of duty.

In depth analysis. You have answered a lot of unanswered questions I had bottled up waiting for the right place or person to ask.

What did you want to ask?

I have been seeing the Web3 games like splinterland and holozing. I like games normally so I wanted to join in the fun but was hindered by lack of knowledge on how they are run.
I am somewhat new to the whole system.

Web3 games are exciting, but you definitely need to throw in the money as it's not really cheap to play.

Once upon a time, I tried the splinterlands game but it was totally difficult to navigate since there's no guideline to put new subscribers through how to use it...

There's is the "how-to-play section there.

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There is a big difference between the games before and the games now because playing the games before did not make us any profit now the benefit is that some money keeps coming which makes people happy.

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