Collectors of Hive - Are You Ready To Share Your Collections?

in Hive Collectors β€’ 9 months ago (edited)


Maybe it's a little bit silly...?


It definitely is, but anyway, I have decided to let you all know what I collect! πŸ™ˆ

And, at the same time I have decided to create a community where we can share the silly and not-so-silly items that we collect. :))

I am sure each of us had at least a phase in our lives when we collected very common items like cards, posters or stamps. Those who had the opportunity to spend some time by the seashore probably collected seashells or pebbles. But there are many other stuff we found cute and started taking them home... and it became a collection. That is what actually happened to me.

Let me explain.

There is a little beach in the neighbouring town where we like to go. Just one path surrounded by trees and flowers leads there and if you are not familiar with the area you would not find out about it. It is protected from the wind by a tall cliff, and up there one line of houses has the privilege of sea views. Seems that the terraces of a few houses collapsed (as they built them in a place where it was not safe... rain and winds have eaten away a part of the cliff).

That is how bricks and broken pieces of tiles ended up in the sea. It must have happened many years ago because the edges of those broken pieces are not sharp anymore. The sea sanded them.


It happened a few years ago that I found the first one. The colourful broken piece of tile was cute and I took it home. Then the next time I found another one and I realised how happy I was searching for those hidden tiles in the shallow.

I can say that finding a piece of tile is like discovering treasure but I know - it is trash! Yeah, basically searching for the broken parts of someone's collapsed terrace became my pastime on the beach.

{I know, I know, I must be out of my mind doing it}


Some of the found tiles like to sunbath with me on the towel πŸ˜‚
And then they jump into my bag and travel to my home, joining the rest of the family.


But it is not just this beach where I find the tiles. I started finding them also in our walks, though those are not so well "sanded" so I avoid taking the sharp-edged pieces.

There are seasons when I forget about this passion for collecting the tiles. Still, the cloth bag where I store them fills up slowly. This is the result of a couple of years of collecting.


It just looks... weird! 😁

A bag of colourful trash!

From small to big ones, in different shapes, showing how they once broke and the constant waves and salt from the sea shaped them to become part of my collection.



My husband was sceptical in the beginning, {maybe he still is haha} why do I collect these broken parts of tiles?

I could not give a good answer. It just became a pastime but this bag also has its purpose. The pieces at home get a new life.

Little improvised mosaics.

Not fixed scenes that can change with each move.

In some of them, people appear... Do you see a person with a green body and blue head?


Maybe the next photo shows the idea in a better way. It could be a mother and a child. Or just two individuals showing care. I don't know, it can change with each move.


One day maybe these pieces will become fixed mosaics on the wall or else. Until then I collect them and store them in that bag!

It is still just silly, I know haha!


Now when I have shared with you my odd collection, let me see what is yours!!

Don't let this newly created community die away after this post πŸ˜†

There are many things we can collect! I can think about:

posters (we all did that as teenagers)
comic books (my husband used to have a nice collection)
guitars (I have a student with more than 15 guitars at home)
vinyl records
bottle caps
classic cars (requires money though)
old clocks (my father has a few antique ones)
perfume bottles

...And much more. But I am not here to tell you - I am here to ask you what do you collect?? :))


Do you collect something? It doesn't matter if it is a common item or a weird one... The important thing is that you have a passion to do it. It can be anything that you have been collecting for decades, years or just days, if you have something to tell us, here you go.

Show some effort in creating the post, read the rules of the community before you post and have fun! You can format the post in the way you want, it is up to you. Be creative. This new community, the Hive Collectors Corner is waiting for your contributions, so don't be shy to post and spread the word ;)

Well, if you have any questions, you can ask me ;)


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Oh, wow, those are beautiful collections you have 😍

Excellent!! Thank you for sharing πŸ‘

I need to create my stamp collection repository

My sister-in-law used to collect stamps, she had several "albums" of them. I also had some, but far from calling it a collection at all πŸ˜…

I have posted a repository in the community, will post more soon

I have posted a repository in the community, will post more soon

This is really interesting and I think this community will do well, your collection is colourful and fun. I don't collect anything for now but I remember collecting rubber bands and bottle caps as a child, yours is coolerπŸ˜…

Rubber bands?

I have never seen a collection of rubber bands, though I have a bunch of them just in case :)

Thanks, let's hope there are people who would like to share their collections ;)

I will join here and share mine one of this day ΰΈ…^β€’ο»Œβ€’^ΰΈ…

Anyhow, your collection looks pretty though especially they all come out in different design. Seeing them in one frame they look likes an art

Yay, you will have a collection to share πŸ€“

A completely unique design of each piece of tile :D

Ha, ha, ha, ha. Yes, a nice place to show the junk we let gather dust in our drawers. I think I have a collection of coins somewhere. I'll need to do some searching around the bedroom.

Well, the idea of collecting pebbles, rocks, and broken stuff is something that must come from the beginning of our journey in the world. You're just doing it in the modern era.

I am doing an ancient habit in the modern era! That's right :D

Yeah, coins!! Looking forward to seeing that collection of yours :))

I have also one of the tons of currency changes we have experimented during these years. They are a lot of bills.

Oh, yes. That is also a great idea!!

I see you will bring here some contribution, verdad? πŸ˜‡

I don't know. I'll keep my mind on that idea.

Oh I think this is a great idea for a new community, I use to collect stamp when I was a child but I don't have the collection anymore ..

Maybe I could start a new collection πŸ˜ƒ

I had a friend who made very nice tables out of tiles that he found on the street. πŸ˜‰

Gracias seΓ±or Puma.

I had a friend who made very nice tables out of tiles that he found on the street. πŸ˜‰

That can be an idea for my tiles then also ;))

Wow! I love it, and I don't think it's silly at all, there is a lot of creativity in those tiles you collect, you can even make a work of art.

In my case I collect semi-precious stones, I started with one and already have several varieties of quartz all over my house, plus I always carry one with me. I love the idea of being able to share it in a Hive community. πŸ₯³

Super!! I hope your semi-precious stones will make their journey to the screen πŸ’Ž

Hello dear friend @mipiano good afternoon
I love your collection, at some point in my adolescence I was collecting pieces of mosaics, but when I moved to another city I forgot that, now that you let us know about your collection that came to my mind.
Excellent idea to create this community, I think it will be very successful, who does not have something to collect.
Thank you very much for sharing your collection. I wish you a lot of success

Thank you, @jlufer πŸ˜‡

We will see what Hivers would like to share from their collections ;)

Without a doubt it will seem like a lot of posts, in my case I like to collect coins and vinyl records, now I just have to take pictures of them. Enjoy a beautiful night


Congratulations! I love this collector's corner. It's a great idea mipiano. And I don't think at all that it's weird and crazy your idea of collecting those mosaics. They are beautiful, and you can see so many figures and scenes in them. Yes. You are great.


What's this?

Collection of dots.

I know the many things I can bring here to your community. For the time being, I'll run to give this great news.

What's this?

Collection of dots.


Welcome to the community, already with a collection!! 😁


I'll run to give this great news.



I am so glad I found your post and thereby this community! I collect all sorts of things so will definitely put something in here. Your tiles are so cool, I really like that you arrange them into little scenes like the mom and little one. Do you think you'd be able to put them in a mosaic where they are fixed after you've had the freedom to move them around?

Oh, @emma-h2, I feel my sudden silly idea to create this community makes more sense! Looking forward to seeing your collections ;)

Do you think you'd be able to put them in a mosaic where they are fixed

It's a wish! To make one or several mosaics and fix them, maybe frame them, or use them as a part of an outdoor table, bench, or path in the garden..? Oh, I need a garden first haha

I think it's a fantastic community and you'll get loads of different posts because it's broad, people collect all sorts of interesting things. We don't know why we do it either 🀣 but it's fun.

Looking forward to what you do with them eventually. Lol, priorities? Not required. You can make a table or bench first...the garden will follow πŸ˜‰

We don't know why we do it either 🀣 but it's fun.


True :)))

Hey what a nice collection you have.
I know I have a few things in storage. But, I'm not sure if I would call it a collection. I will try to participate in this call you are making to us.

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My "collection" is also weird, though I am looking forward what you will show us :))
Thank you @flquin ;)

Oh!! Beer coasters :D I had some of those.
Also a tin of old coins (and buttons... I don't know what for, they are just there).

Hmmm... :p

@tipu curate 3

Yeeeea, beer coasters too. Oh, and buttons 😍

Hurray, you are a collector. And I am euphoric to see some of your collections! You know, dead succulents also count πŸ˜‚

Thank you, mucho πŸ€—

Hurray, you are a collector

Unintentionally :D

The dead succulents is definitely my biggest collection... that I don't keep πŸ˜‚

somehow it happened that your extensive list of items suitable for collecting is missing books.. !LOLZ 😳

Oh, books are included in this sentence:

...And much more. But I am not here to tell you - I am here to ask you...


Books, indeed were on my mind, then I added "comic" in front of the books as my husband used to collect them. πŸ˜ƒ

...And much more.


ok, no questions then. I am gladly make a post here when I have a right mood.
Answering your request, - besides books I keep collections of beer caps, tickets, keys. Vintage stuff.

....and I also collect !PIZZA memories. 😜

I am sure that a community has arrived at Hive that will become a favorite of many. I love that there is room for everything on the platform. I congratulate you for this idea friend, I hope to participate soon, I collect many things (mostly related to Shakira 🀣), but my stuff sleeps in another city at the moment hehe. I will appear here, in the meantime I can enjoy other people's collections 😜

(mostly related to Shakira 🀣)

Jes!!! No me hagas eso πŸ˜‚

jajaj, broma, ya sabes que eres muy bienvenido a traer tus colecciones de lo que quieras πŸ˜‡ Cuando puedas πŸ˜‰


How interesting, a community for collectors.... well decades.... I left everything in Argentina but I'll think about it.... it's super cool @mipiano !

Those mosaics and imagine them in a work of art, of those that you place them in a special place and form figures, faces, animals.... I love it! Especially the pink one😍

It's never late to start collecting again something @avdesing 😁🍸

I already have an excellent collection, surprise! hahahaha

I have so many ideas that I don't have enough days in the week to publish them haha

I already have an excellent collection, surprise! hahahaha


ok, I will wait for it, and if it doesn't arrive in a few days I will call the police πŸ˜‚

Well, I'll tell you.... my mother has been making me earrings for years and I have a lot of them! I brought them from Argentina, it's costume jewellery and I love them!

I'm a collector of things sometimes.. And those tiles are pretty and are worth keeping..
So is this a new community? Nice.


Glad to hear you are also a collector sometimes. What do you like to collect?

Yes, a freshly created community, today. And you are also welcome to post your collections {or other interesting ones you encounter} πŸ˜‰


I have some lapel pins hehe..might share one of these days☺️

What a nice community about collections, there are sure to be some very interesting publications. I'll have to start collecting something jaja. Is it possible to post about someone's collection other than me? A friend or family member?

Thanks Jordy :)
We can become collectors at any time :D

Is it possible to post about someone's collection other than me? A friend or family member?

It is ;)


your passion and enthusiasm for collecting these unique tiles is absolutely amazing It's fascinating how something as simple as broken pieces of tiles can hold so much charm and history, especially when they have been transformed by the sea over time. Your collection tells a unique story of its own, each piece a chapter in the tale of your beachside treasure hunts.

What is even more intriguing how you have given these tiles a new life through your improvised mosaics. They become art, ever-changing and open to interpretation, making them more than just discarded fragments. Your husband might have been skeptical at first, but your creative vision has turned these tiles into something truly special.
Keep growing this amazing community. it's sure to develop with each collector's story of someone like you.

These broken tiles could stay there, as litter, but in the end, they got this new purpose :D They even became part of Hive now 😁 πŸ˜‡

Thank you for your nice comment and good wishes!

Hi @mipiano. It will certainly be a very interesting community. See you soon, with that magic that evokes collecting something with passion. Greetings from Cuba @abrunet

I am glad you find it interesting, you are very welcome to bring that passion for that activity here! Greetings back πŸ‘‹

For me, who doesn't have an artistic soul, I'm confused about how to treat these items @mipiano

It was just my example, one of the things I collect :D
I said - it was a bit silly hehehe

I used to collect straws when I was younger and I would use it to make earrings, and skipping ropes tooπŸ˜…

That is nice, to make earrings πŸ˜‡

Plants of course!

πŸŒ΅πŸ€ :)))

I love your collection!

Also, great idea for a community β™₯️

Thanks ;)

What a nice idea for a community! And I love those pieces you collected from the beach

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Hey, thanks @beeber!

The idea came just out of nowhere while I was thinking how to start writing this post. And voila, a new community was born!!

You are welcome to bring us some of your collections, if you collect something ;)

TschΓΌss πŸ€—

I collect so many different things πŸ™ˆ but its rather chaos than properly sorted collections πŸ˜…

It doesn't matter :D

I collect various different types of things. I have thimbles from each place I have travelled to, I also have pins that are from the places I have travelled to as well as Disney. Also, I collect laser art crystal but I stopped that a while ago as I didn’t have enough space but I still have all the ones I bought previously. The last thing I collect is the you are here Starbucks mugs from each place I have travelled to. All my collections are based from where I have travelled to.

Starbucks mugs sound interesting ;)
What is important s actually the place your visit and the memory that stays with it πŸ˜‡

Β 9 months agoΒ (edited)Β 


$PIZZA slices delivered:
jane1289 tipped mipiano
@qwerrie(2/5) tipped @mipiano

Wow, these pieces really look beautiful.


Your collection is actually beautiful and colorful.
It is nice though. I do not have any collections but I will try it out.

Β 9 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

I like this community. I already have in mind at least two posts what I can do to share here. What a thrill! πŸ’™
By the way very beautiful your collection 😍 if you turn it into a mosaic will be something incredible

Yes, a mosaic would be nice to obtain from these little broken pieces! That is how they get a new life :))

I am really glad you like the community, you are welcome to bring your collections πŸ˜‡

Un saludo, @literal ;)

Hola, amiga me gustarΓ­a ver todos tus pedacitos de mosaicos unidos en un mosaico en la pared. Yo de niΓ±a coleccionΓ© sellos. TambiΓ©n botones y estuches o etiquetas de productos de aseo y confituras. Y de bolΓ­grafos ya gastados. Es que no me gusta tirar nada y despuΓ©s terminan quedΓ‘ndose. Voy a buscar los sellos para enseΓ±arles y los botones tambiΓ©n. Gracias por compartir.

@yanerkidiaz , perdΓ³n por el retraso, se me pasaron los comentarios en este post... Los sellos estan muy bienvenidos y los botones tambiΓ©n :))))

Un abrazo, y lo siento por no poder llegar antes a responder πŸ€—

I see that I am not the only one who has a passion for collecting things. I shared my collections recently in The Minimalist Community as part of my ongoing efforts to declutter:


Nope, seems that you are not the only one πŸ˜‰

Even if you have been decluttering your home, I hope there is still some collection left hehe.

Yes, there is still plenty. I will defend to the death my Barbie Doll Collection. And, I have yet to categorize my snow globes and coffee cups.

Thanks for your visit.

I was collecting vintage radios for a while. They sound incredible. Now I just collect various crypto coins, and digital photos from my Actifit walks.

Excellent, @mimpiano. I also like to collect. I have found this community, I have joined, and I think in the next few days I will introduce you to my coin collection. You'll tell me if you like it.

Very inspiring, the little things that we pass on a daily. Your findings are sooo beautiful, like artwork 😍... I'd love to see them some day when/if you put them all on display..... #awesomehobby

haha I never knew this existed and thank you for putting this link on my post!

I guess we can say snap!

It is a great hobby of Mrs T, she loves it and we have the pottery shards everywhere plus the coloured sea glass.

I did not know about this community!!!

I did not know about this community!!!

Now you do πŸ˜‡

Haha, good to hear that it's not just me how does this silly thing ;)

Yes now I do.

We also call it beachcombing, as you comb the beach for things, but mostly for fluffing plastic that idiots don't dispose of.

I don't think to collect those piece of tiles is silly. Maybe now only a few persons loock interested to it but when the time will run those piece can show the people of the future how used be the materials whith which the humanity built.

I remember My firts collection. It was about cigarrettes box. It was integranted by several tips and of course the most valuables we're those we can find un My country. We exchange it betewen Friends and Also se bet it in cards games and another tables games.

I don't think to collect those piece of tiles is silly. Maybe now only a few persons loock interested to it but when the time will run those piece can show the people of the future how used be the materials whith which the humanity built.

I remember My firts collection. It was about cigarrettes box. It was integranted by several tips and of course the most valuables we're those we can find un My country. We exchange it betewen Friends and Also se bet it in cards games and another tables g