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RE: Why I stopped therapy

Wow, Vyankka, what an unpleasant process.
It's not easy to feel unheard, especially by specialists whose work is essentially to listen to you carefully to contribute to any diagnosis. And I believe the word "contribute" is key, considering how inaccurate tests can be, especially as you mentioned, "working hard" during the test, which alone could affect the results.

I'm sorry that your parents closed themselves off to what you were saying. Sometimes people can feel threatened or attacked in situations like that and react defensively. Ideally, they would open up and understand that it's not an attack or perhaps not even a complaint, but rather a person who needs to express themselves and two people who need to listen. Time might help your parents understand the situation.

A few years ago, while I was in therapy, I also went through the process of feeling the need to confront my mother and say things that were necessary. The process was painful because she said things that hurt me. But over time, I understood that her generation, and also the circumstances in which she grew up, didn't give her the emotional tools to deal with the situations we were going through now, and that she was basically doing the best she could with what she had (emotionally speaking). This led me to be more compassionate with her but also with myself because I'm sure that my emotional processes and the tools I have now as a mother are more fragile than the ones my daughters will have when they are older.

I'm glad you found a professional you feel comfortable with, and I hope they help you in all the necessary processes to finally feel like you're living your life the way you want and need to live it.

BTW, I just found out about Restless Legs Syndrome, and then I thought, "Oh, that's the name of it!