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RE: Why I stopped therapy

in #mentalhealth26 days ago

Nono, I just meant very low compared to my non verbal scores. But it is indeed average in general.

Heeey same with hairdressers!! I think the last time I went to cut my hair too was when I went to a salon to color my hair so I had them trim it at the same time. For most part it's just me cutting my hair since the unever parts aren't noticeable anyway haha.

I can understand that, there's not much foreigners in China so maybe they stick to the common styles they know?

For a country like England, I thought they would have better ways to diagnose mental illnesses compared to my country so that sucks.. I learned that autistic and people with ADHD are often diagnosed with personality disorders. If there were other tests like a brain scan that could diagnose it it would have been better haha.

It’s good to know you are ‘normal’ as having this “disorder” is so hard to cope with in today’s society. I do find it as a strength in some ways but overall it’s not easy.


England... I dunno, my experience is that it's far, far worse than much poorer countries. People are pulling their own teeth out because they either can't afford it, or there's literally no dentists for 100km and 80% aren't taking new customers anymore. You can wait 12 months+ for serious issues, and unknown numbers have died waiting, for service.

So what's the point in having good quality care when it's not available to even use? Needless to say, mental health is bottom of the barrel in terms of priority.

It’s good to know you are ‘normal’

People have accused (?) me of having depression over the years, and I don't hide the fact that I'm monstrously insecure, but I don't like to box that into a disorder as I could probably fix it myself if I wanted lol.

Being surrounded by basically all friends and family with everything from bipolar and PTSD, to schizophrenia and manic psychotic episodes, it certainly doesn't *feel *'normal'! But regarding strengths, I do think it makes for far more interesting - and caring - people.