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RE: Why I stopped therapy

in #mentalhealth29 days ago (edited)

It's very hard to find someone who can diagnose ADHD properly nowadays because there are a lot of things one can miss when they're diagnosing. The fact that most of us just learn how to mask because since childhood we were always scolded for doing this and that. Especially more so for women since society also tells us that women should behave and act “lady like” and any bad behaviors are just because you’re stubborn and not because “something might be wrong we need to have you checked”. For a non specialist, that is so easy to miss. Heck I didn’t even know that myself lol.

That is really true. My first therapist was recommended by the psychiatrists and so maybe they have partnered or know the practices of the clinic hence it was a great experience. This new clinic feels like their stuff is outdated.. and I only found out about it on the internet and from reviews. 😓 So it’s really not easy to find help that suits you best. I’m bummed that people who invalidate exists but I guess that’s just how it is.. they are still humans after all.

Yeah I think she forgot that there are three levels of autism. Her statement was really judgmental and insulting to autistic people as well.

Thank you TP😊