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RE: Comedy Open Mic. Round 17: Everything you need to know to become a digital nomad - Recommendations from a camgirl

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

Serious answer.
Actually, I have seen the people from the contest (participants and judges being quite cold on it), so I thought it wasn't funny at all, as I got support only from "the friends".
SO, to make it up, instead of sending $9.3K USD, I'm going to send you this video for a laugh.
I was trying to do an entry for the open mic for musicians. I like to try new stuff I'm completely incompetent about.

THIS IS THE PROVE THAT I'm way more funny in real life than at writing!!!


I thought this post was funny as all get-out. Just didn't have time that day to comment. I think you're one of the funnier people on the site. And always going for whatever is in front of you. And that is my final word on that (like there's ever a final dd word O :

The glasses and tea really cracked me up, as well as many others, though showing our 'illustrious' leader with a bowl of pasta on his head. About sums it all up.
Haven't seen this video before. A classic. I would gladly send you the $998, but I already spent it on brass nuts and nipples, plus, I might be too serious to actually compete.
Speaking of which, many many congratulations on your win, I was cheering for you to win. Cheerio(s)

Grazie grazie grazie! I really did not do much more than photograph my boobies!?!?
I got steem and sbd that I would normally earn in a month! Brilliant!
This video was prepared in a period of silliness 5 months ago, I am going to be ready to participate to another open mic with this instrument, typical from Sicily!

Oh, yes of course I remember this. It's another one of your instant hits! Who could forget such a melody?

One day your gonna be a big star.

No! I forgot the the most important part of this comment- Sandrina has got the funny, maybe even dangerous levels of funny. DD summed up the details much more better-like than me.

Thanks! I really hope we can meet one day and do drugs together <3

That's a very kind sentiment, however unexpected. Here's to future crossroads!