In Loving Memory to my Brother

in The Alliance8 months ago

"The loss you feel when a loved one dies is not the worst feeling in the world. Missing them for the rest of your life is the worst."

Today is the nineteenth anniversary of my brother's passing. Hard to believe he has been gone almost twenty years. The void in my heart and life never fills or goes away. It's part of me now.

Dear brother, though I feel your presence around me I would give anything to spend one last earthly day with you. You would be so proud of the wonderful adults your niece and nephew have become. You would adore, love and spoil your great niece and great nephews!

I believe in my heart you had something to do with the surprise, early birth of my great godchild today. Even from beyond you somehow managed to turn one of the shittiest days of my life into a happy one! It makes my heart smile going forward that our family has new life to celebrate every year on September 26 instead of just feeling grief and sadness!

Till we are together again, know that I love you and you are not forgotten!

Please give Dad a hug and kiss from me and I'll do the same from you for Mom!


"Many we loved have passed away too soon, without reason. We remembered them often in a thousand different ways. In the morning, in the night, when we look at the stars, a date, a song, a place, a smell." -Unknown

© 2023 Nina Haskin. Photographs and words are my own. All rights reserved.


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A beautiful tribute that touches my heart. My brother has been gone for 18 years and your words make me miss him terribly tonight. I'm glad you have reasons to celebrate this day now.


Sending you a virtual hug, Sis!❤
I love how we still are finding things you and I have in common after all these years of friendship on the blockchain.

When is the anniversary of your brother's passing? @melinda010100


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July 1st 2005. He had a heart attack at age 48 and died before they could get him to the hospital.

It was just the two of us, and it has left such a huge hole in my life. But you know.

Very similar to my brother's demise except mine was alone mowing the lawn at my parent's lake house when he suffered a heart attack at 43 years old. A neighbor found him the next morning...

Do you find yourself wondering why you are still alive? I have though in my case, I believe I am still here to take care of my mom till she departs. And also to enjoy watching my kids grow up and become parents of my grandkids❤


My sister in law drove 100 miles an hour on rural country roads, but he told her he wasn't going to make it. She arrived at the hospital blaring her horn and screaming out the window, but he had died in the seat beside her. My mom will be 90 this year and lives near my sister in law and my brothers family. She never has gotten over the loss.

I adore my kids and grandkids, but know they will be fine without me. Ecency keeps me from being lonely and knowing that I can be helpful to others here gives me a purpose to wake up each day.

Awe @ninahaskin, I only now spotted your post while scrolling through Hive, what a hearfelt touching tribute to your brother! I am so sorry that you lost him at such a young age, but thankful that you now have a new life to celebrate on his special day, even though it will be bittersweet💔

I finished reading 'The Forsyte Saga' yesterday... it is all about passing away. Feel your sorrow.

I appreciate you stopping by, the kind words and support! @qwerrie💓

Offhand, not familiar with the book. I'll look into adding it to my winter reading list.


oh!.. really?.. its a classic; strange that I did not get acquainted with it for such a long time (but you cant embrace everything...)

The Forsyte Saga, first published under that title in 1922, is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921 by the English author John Galsworthy, who won the 1932 Nobel Prize in Literature. They chronicle the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large upper-middle-class English family ... Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, its members are keenly aware of their status as "new money". The main character, the solicitor and connoisseur Soames Forsyte, sees himself as a "man of property" by virtue of his ability to accumulate material possessions, but that does not succeed in bringing him pleasure.

There is a huge love drama inside... and a few generations perspective. The picture of Victorian lifetime in London is memorable... and also worth it. !LUV the reading.

Actually, I had to check the layout (thats my office duties!) but at some point could not resist and simply read every page of these thick volumes, hehe. 😜

What I want to underline -- it is a calming, providing some peace to the soul, reading.

When did you manage to find time to read this lengthy book (approx 800 pages) when you are busy working, photographing, foraging mushrooms, raising a daughter, doing husband things, keeping up on Hive, & who knows what else?😀 I saw that the "fine" producers of the televised world already turned The Forsythe Saga into a tv series. How dare they! No worries. I prefer to read the book before watching any adaptations to allow me to visualize and create how I think characters look.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! @qwerrie


When did you manage to find time to read this lengthy book (approx 800 pages) when you are busy working, photographing, foraging mushrooms, raising a daughter, doing husband things, keeping up on Hive, & who knows what else?

Ha! Nina, you definitely can see that I am not pollinating Hive too much (doing a blog per week or so - thats bad pollinating...). And - haha - I skip the husband things, as well 😳

My reading process is rather swift... and the truth is - when I get 'hooked', I postpone drastically all the real duties I have, plans, the work I must do. No way I can say thats a good thing.. but that is how the things go! yesterday (here goes a confession, if you are curious) I skipped dinner, skipped the planned market shopping, stayed in the office till 11 AM, just sit, and read, read, read... long story indeed - but I was hooked, and did not want to cut it into two or three days. (It is a bit like watching serial on TV - the director is a bastard, he likes to finish an episode on such a scene that you almost automatically start the next episode, simply could not resist the temptation! although it's high time for you to go off to bed, !LOLZ )
This season I dont shoot mushrooms, and almost dont go out, never visited forest even once :( sad but true. I hope these warm autumn days will continue and I have some walks, have time to capture some (macro) autumn beauties.
we had a splendid time with my babygirl at the 'Inks of Childhood' festival this weekend; when I edit some pics I will share,-- it was a-ma-zing time spent!

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Dear @ninahaskin ❤️ Yes, time can not heal every wound, some seem to stay forever. Or they became part of our way, directing us to what we are now.
Reminds me of the brother I never had. Long time ago he never was born, died in the 3rd month. But sometimes I feel there is someone I miss without knowing him. How would life have been with a little brother at my side?
Sending you a hug and also welcome to the new born child ❤️ the circle of life ❤️

Thank you for your kind words of support and encouragement! @beeber

As hard as losing my only sibling has been on me, the loss was unbearable for my father and my mother still grieves every day. No parent should have to bury a child...I think back to the loss of my 24 year old stepson in 2010 that was unimaginable. Though already tight, it brought my husband's side of the family together even more. Have to find the good in bad situations.

You would have been the best big sister any little brother ever had! I know it! Big hugs to you, my friend!🤗

So sad and incredibly painful, but I am glad you now can see a bit of light on the day going forward with the birth of your great godchild. Big hugs, Nina.

This is a touching tribute to your brother. And wherever he is on another plane, he is for sure smiling.
Big hugs, @ninahaskin!

I have a sister and 4 brothers and have been very fortunate to still have them all around. So I couldn't exactly say, "I know how you feel." But the profoundness of your words express just how I will surely feel when I lose one. It prepares me for the worst that I know will eventually come, either for me (if they go ahead) or for them (if I go first). And if it's the former, I will always remember this tribute of yours to help me in my grief. Thank you🙏🙏🙏

One of my brothers has been gone 7 years now. It's still kind of surreal at times.

It's funny what the time does, if you told me it was just too years ago instead, I would believe it. Time flies so fast.

I love your tribute to your brother and am glad you now have something to celebrate instead.

(( hugs ))

19 years is a too long time , I can feel the pain in you and how much h you have missing him. It is not easy to forget someone so close to us. It's been 4 month of my Dad demise and I still spend time around his bed everyday, as he was sleeping .... it is not easy at all.

Thank you for your kind words and support. It doesn't get easier -- we just get used to the void left by our loved ones and fill it with memories.

Four months without your father is still very fresh. The first year is the hardest. It helps to talk to others who knew your father and share stories to keep his memory alive. You were a good son!

Heartbroken by the loss, my father's health rapidly deteriorated and he died less than four years after my brother passed away...Please take care of yourself! @steemflow


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It’s hard to loose our close people. I can feel the pain. In 7 years since I lost 5 relatives. One of them is my dad. It’s hard each time I think of him or see a picture of him. I find my joy in raising my kids and trying to concentrate on their future. Hugs to you @ninahaskin.

It's heartbreaking to lose a sibling, I don't know what I would do, don't even want to imagine the moment or the time that comes after. He will always live in your heart and memories and now he's remembered on Hive as well. A big hug from you my dear friend 🤗

I can truly understand your loss @ninahaskin, you and your brother have a very strong resemblance too. I lost my Roommate and best friend for more than 20 years just this Monday to Cancer. The pain feels overwhelming at this time and the struggle against depression and grief is keep on a hairs width balance by a veil of composure and sheer strength. Eventually, the pain will diminish as I recall our best memorable times. She said, "I'll be waiting for you." ✝️

That very heart touching, can’t say anything about siblings because I never had any. But I do wish if I had an older brother. The bond of brother and sister is very pure and strong. I do feel your painful feelings also undying love for your brother. That’s a really sweet message for your brother.

such a nice tribute. wonderful photos. though your brother is gone he is clearly still in your heart.
cherish the memories.

It really hurt losing a loved one
I know his at peace and watching over you.
Keep being strong sis

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They say that time heals all, but when someone passes way too young and is loved so dearly passing time only has us asking what should and could have been. The arrival of a newborn on the same date as your brother's passing is a reminder that he's watching from above.

Wonderful tribute to your brother,
God bless

Big hugs mama.

What a wonderful tribute to your brother, he must have been a beautiful soul.
Such a sweet and lovely post Nina.

This is such a heartwarming tribute. Even though the hurt must be immense, you're finding a way to bear it like a champion. I'm happy the grief of today has transcended into something happy for you. I wish you all the best and happiness in the world, even as you go through this, dearest @ninahaskin.🌺💜

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 175 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you, Pix! 💓

Yay! 🤗
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I can't believe I missed this one. I'm sorry to hear you lost him so young. It's one of those things that never really heals. I've heard that memories fade, but they really don't, and the emotions never leave and leave scars.

Congratulations on the new great god child! I hope it helps make this day a lot more pleasant next year. I honestly forget many traumatic dates, probably not the healthiest way to cope with loss... I've had a lot of them and military service definitely has a lot of blame for that one.

I hope you have a great day today!

It was devastating to lose a loved one. I completely get how you're feeling. This is such a beautiful tribute to him. May peace be upon his soul.

feelinmg your pain
lost my mum 6 years ago
it doesnt get any easier
especially this time of year

I sympathize with your loss... and understand you very much... because 23 years ago my younger brother died of cancer at the age of 35...