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RE: OCD Leading The Way in User Retention

in Hive Statistics5 months ago

we never had such a domain and can ensure others that our projects are alive and doing well. You may be referring to a website which showed upcoming delegation rewards to @ocdb which wasn't really used nor necessary, especially since the rewards go out twice per day.


Might be quite the victory when you have ran the rest of the people off the chain and it's all yours and you can be the god of the chain.

Lol toodles.

You're complaining about us running people off the platform in a post proving we're bringing people onto the platform.

Not enough. And give is really having issues.

It's not as glorious as it could be. Mainly due to you and your cohorts.

Yeah the entire state of affairs is you.

Then the stabbing psyberx in the back for you to get more investors...


But hey. When hive is all yours and you have ran everyone else off. You can have it all and bomb anyone you want...

I've left you a comment showing my interactions with cyberx:

if you're not going to make an effort to prove me "attacking" them, then I'm going to consider this trolling and just ignore you.

Is there anyone still in charge of that project aside from a couple irrational stakeholders who could maybe weigh in on my "attacks" towards them?
