How to Multiply Mint Leaves and Seeding Vegetable Seeds for Hydroponic Installation - Hydroponic Journal #8

in HiveGarden3 years ago

Hello everyone and Hive Garden Community, how are you guys today? I hope all of us are always healthy and happy in all our routines and work. As usual, every Monday I will make a post about My Hydroponic Journal, which is a journal of my gardening activities at home, or make hydroponic installations ordered by others.


This week, all my vegetables that are in the hydroponic installation at home have been harvested. Only the lettuce was left a little more, because next week I have a barbecue and the plan is to use the lettuce that I have grown to make a salad. Because, some days I attended a lot of family events so, I haven't had time to do many things.

For this Hydroponic Journal, I will share information about how to sow vegetable seeds for hydroponic installations and how to easily reproduce mint leaves.

Mint leaves
Mint leaf or peppermint is one of the plants that is always present in My Hydroponic Garden. Mint leaves have many health benefits, and have high commercial value. I sell mint leaves for IDR 5K for 20 grams and can sell 100 packs/month. However, many people find it difficult to develop or grow this plant.

From my experience growing mint leaves in Hydroponic installations with circulating water, it produces mint leaves that are better than those planted in the ground. This plant is a little unique, because it is very difficult to grow if we sow from seeds. However, it is very easy to develop when using a cutting system (a system of multiplying plants by using parts of the plant body, such as roots, stems or leaves). Because of that, if you have mint leaves, you have to take care of them so they don't die or get damaged.

How to multiply mint leaves for a hydroponic system is very easy, I will try to explain it briefly and simply. First, prepare the mint leaves (we take pieces of mint leaves) and rockwool that has been cut to 2.5 cm in size.

Then, insert the mint leaves into the rockwool and make the mint leaves penetrate the rockwool. This aims to grow the roots of the mint leaves that we will move to plant.

Next, move the mint leaves to the Netpot, and it can be placed in our Hydroponic Installation. Very simple way is not it? This method can only be used in some plants. For this type of vegetables we have to sow the seeds with the method I will explain.

Seeding Using Rockwool
Next, I will explain about how to sow vegetable seeds for planting in a hydroponic installation. Seeding is the first stage that must be passed to carry out gardening activities. This stage determines whether the plants or vegetables that we plant can develop well or fail, because if we are successful in seeding it will simplify the cultivation process and the results will be better. However, if the seedling fails and the seeds we sow are etiolated, it is certain that the seeds will fail to develop properly and the harvest will fail.

In my opinion, seeding seeds is not too difficult but must be done carefully and thoroughly. Some of the tools that we must prepare when sowing seeds for hydroponic are Rockwool (planting media), seeds, and a seedling place. This time I will try to sow lettuce

First, cut the rockwool with a size of 2.5 cm, then the cut rockwool is dipped in water and then arranged neatly on the tray.

Next, poke holes in the rockwool using a toothpick. When perforating rockwool does not need to be too deep, just enough for the seeds to enter.

Then, put the seeds into the rockwool that has been perforated. For lettuce, one piece of rockwool we use one seed.


After finishing putting all the seeds into the rockwool, we can close the seedling tray or put it in a dark place to speed up the sprouting of the vegetable seeds. Don't forget, only one day after that the seedling tray is placed in a place where there is sunlight.

After 10 days, the plant seeds will sprout. We can ask for the seeds to the installation hydroponic after the seedlings have four leaves.

Planting Preparation

I have prepared some vegetable seeds that I will plant later, maybe around 600 planting holes. Hopefully, I have the time and energy to do it.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

Thanks for read, vote, re-blog and support me in Hive. Maybe god will reward the kindness, let’s success together.


Aquaponic lettuces are the best!

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much

 3 years ago  

I learned something new in your blog. Slowly but sure I am learning about hydro phonics. Thank you.

 3 years ago  

I'm glad the information I share can be useful for others. Thank you for coming to my blog.

 3 years ago  

You're welcome (^_^)

Wow, please bring me lettuce for dinner😆
I want cook something special for you💃🏻

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Hi isdarmady,

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 3 years ago  

Thank you for continuing to share your experience here.

I've featured your post in the Garden Journal Weekly curation.

 3 years ago  

thank you very much @minismallholding

Wonderful! Such a wonderful system and you are so neat @isdarmady. I think it is amazing that there are more people using hydroponics and that it is also a source of income for you. Well done. I have learned a lot

 3 years ago  

thank you for stopping by. I'm very happy when my experience can be useful for others.