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RE: If Crypto Is Changing The World, What Will The World Look Like?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the long run also crypto has to be earned somehow. Right now we are mostly in the 'printing' phase, so coins are abundant. But once they are all minted, it goes back to trading coins for work, goods... It is still money.

A societal turn towards a basic income or another concept alike might get us the "free-from-work - free-to-do".
Or maybe, like China is starting to do, bonuses for certain behaviours/activities online.

But somebody has to keep water, electricity, food and all coming. Maybe these will be prestigious jobs in the end?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


There’s no wrong or right here 😉
Although I think you make a strong case that there will be a shift from fiat to crypto. We’re already seeing more jobs being paid in crypto on the daily.

I sincerely hope that they become prestigious jobs because well, without them, we’d be nowhere.
Vital to our existence.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like the idea of a society in which the plumber's job earns him/her the most respect!