Which Assets Are You Acquiring On Splinterlands?

in LeoFinance4 months ago

The Gobson Bomber is a soulbound card that I rarely use. However, I'm always applying it when the ruleset is exclusively range. The downside and one major disadvantage of this card is the recharge ability. It's not a regular attacker, but does x3 damage the one time it attacks in every round. However, it's exciting to note that it comes with a camouflage ability, which means it cannot be attacked unless it's in first position.

Basically, I think this ability isn't really a game changer, but at level 8, it comes with the pierce ability. I prefer the pierce ability on melee cards but it's not bad on a range card. So my bomber is currently at level 8, the highest level any card I own has ever attained. However I maxed out SORRIEL THE BALE legendary GFL some months back, but technically the Gobson Bomber is my highest level card at level 8.

I might need level 6 and 7 summoners to play this at level 8. I can only play it at level six at the moment and I have just two left to Max out this card. It's a neutral common soulbound card so nothing special, except that I've gotten it to level 8.

The Guild Is Instrumental In SPS Accumulation

In this guild Outing, I won 3 games and lost 2. We each got 17 SPS and about 1k merit. It was better than the last outing where we had only 8 SPS. I had more merit to buy some gladius case and this time nothing special as well. I don't like buying Gladius cases in bulk because I'll be missing out on the ability to upgrade my cards hence missing out on potential battles that I could have won with them.

It's quite satisfying to buy in bulk, but this is Mostly better if you're earning some good merit per guild outing, let's say 3 to 4k merit in every outing.

Some days back I scored 16 SPS in one of my daily quest chests, then today I scored another 4 SPS in another chest. 16 SPS is my biggest haul since I've been opening daily focus chests, what can I say, I was lucky. Some days are often bad and all you'll get are just potions and unless you're opening packs, these potions are useless and you cannot transfer them to help someone who is truly in need of them.

So they're not transferable or tradable at the least. Some days you get a very good card haul without any decent SPS, while some days you can get good SPS without having any card. It's quite different with the way the system shuffles the reward, but for someone who is looking to build staked SPS, I love having SPS rewards and cards to keep building my competitiveness.

The Only Assets As Good As SPS

SPS is one of the best assets on Splinterlands because you need it to better your chances of earning more. If ECR was tradable, I'd say it'd be considered an asset, but you can only buy from the system and not individually sell. I'd say DEC, but most people are only using DEC as a purchasing currency and not holding it. What about CREDIT? I don't think so. Credit too is only a purchasing currency and I don't see much value.

However buying rare cards, rare and limited edition, holding summoners, and owning some rare GFL and some rare older generation cards are some ways to maintain value and make money on splinterlands. So these and SPS are the most important financial elements on splinterlands.

CL Packs Have Lost So Much Value

Finally, I'm building my soulbound cards and summoners as I don't have the resources to buy some really coveted assets on Splinterlands. I'm happy I didn't hold any Chaos Legion packs, as they're now trading for 0.8$ on Hive-engine. This is inevitable as the attention is now on rebellion, a lot of people still hold them (Chaos legion packs) but it's possible their value might go up during the bull market.

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!discovery 20

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They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


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!1UP Good work!


Thanks a million

I mainly target cards in the rare and legendary group that have lost enough prices on the market.
My plan is to put these back on the rental market to assure a passive income of DEC.
Exceptional article

That is also a good strategy. Renting such cards and earning from them while waiting for the market to peak is a great way to actually go.

Splinterlands looks like an interesting game from them much I've heard about it, but currently I have not made any investments in the project. I hope to do so soon enough. Thanks for writing and have a nice day.

Yes, it's an interesting game by all means. Everyone have their personal experiences, for me I find it addictive and relaxing.

Can someone who does not play the game just invest in SPS?
That’s possible, right?

Yay! 🤗
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CL was printed way too much. I don't think the prices will move up anytime soon. As for a level 8 normal card, the summoner level is a steep requirement. I think it's tough due to the price commitment for those summoners and all the cards to go along with it.