WOO Game 5% Beneficiary Breakdown

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Introducing a 5% Beneficiary to the WOOgame Community on Hive

Greetings, WOOgame Community! We're excited to announce a new initiative aimed at strengthening and expanding our platform. We have decided to add a 5% beneficiary to the WOOgame community on #Hive. This strategic move is designed to bolster our funding, thereby facilitating further development and enhancing the gaming experience for all our users as well as increasing our upvote power to further promote the community and reward our most loyal members.

Why a 5% Beneficiary?

This answer is more nuanced than a simple explanation. There are various ways we are looking to use these new funds and we will break that down below.

Increased Business Funds

The primary goal of implementing a 5% beneficiary is to increase the funds available for the business without holding any additional sales or asking out community for any more funds. These funds will be pivotal in scaling up our operations and ensuring continuous improvement of our services, especially as we continue to grow our partners and they continue to create on Hive.

Holding Hive Power (HP)

By holding the HP, we aim to increase our upvote potential within the community. This step is crucial in maximizing the visibility and reach of our content, thus creating a more vibrant and active community.

Utilizing the Funds

Powering Down and Development

The funds accumulated through this initiative will be strategically powered down and allocated toward critical areas of development when needed. This approach ensures that we can continually innovate and improve the WOOgame experience and deliver a great product to all who have been waiting patiently for it.

Future Plans for WOO Token

Looking ahead, we are exploring the potential of using a portion of the beneficiary funds to buy back WOO tokens. This strategy is intended to replenish play-to-earn rewards, thereby sustaining and enriching the gaming experience for our players as well as putting positive buy pressure on the token.


This new beneficiary setup marks a significant step forward for the WOOgame community. We are committed to transparency and will keep you updated on the progress and impact of this initiative. Thank you for your continued support and engagement and if anyone has any questions, comments, concerns, or anything else then please leave a comment and we can open a discussion.

Did you know we've recently launched our witness for @wrestorgonline, if you like what we're creating please consider supporting us by voting here.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That's just awesome!

Brilliant idea.
We're thinking long run guys!💪

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