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RE: Over the top

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago

we supplied everything you needed from bongs, pipes and grinders, toothpaste and shaving foam, right down to a little bag of weed to get you started.

With that, did anyone notice the clean room 😂?

You're back! You're posting! What a delight.

May your lifestyle serve you well. It certainly serves the planet, many people and animals you rescue (I remember the chickens).

Great piece. Nice way to top off my day.


With that, did anyone notice the clean room 😂

Dammit! I never thought of that. I could have saved myself a lot of time and effort:)

Great piece. Nice way to top off my day.

The truth is I would have screwed it up and put it in the wastepaper basket was it not that I knew you were checking up on me:) You must have been a great teacher!
