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RE: Over the top

for my grey tresses

I just made mine peach, faded pink after a couple of washes. DIY, as I wouldn't go anywhere near a hair-salon...
I always thought that thingy Michael Jackson had must cost a lot of money. Quite surprised normal folks can afford. As for oxygen therapy, I've heard a lot of good things about it, so good for you.

Before you cry rich bitch, I’m not. I live the life of a hermit.

Why do we feel we have to explain ourselves and somehow apologize for our choices and how we spend our money? Especially if we choose to live outside the norms. I was just on the phone telling a friend about our recent trip to Venice and the upcoming one to Zurich, while she was upset they need thousands of dollars to fix their car. Why would I have to feel ashamed about my life choices? I don't have a car, never had one and both trips are cheaper than the money she needs for the bloody SUV. If you want to invest in your health I don't think it's anybody's business.


I just made mine peach, faded pink after a couple of washes.

Peach? Well um......I'm sure it was gorgeous:) I think I'll stick with the grey though.

You're right about needing to explain and justify ourselves. I'll have to stop that. Our choices are nobody else's concern.