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RE: Over the top

in Weekend Experiences4 months ago


Gonna look into hyperbaric chamber. I had no idea it was something you could have in your own home. I know it could have been useful for my son, but by the time I had heard of it, he was already too far gone to have used it.

For radiation blockers, I use device protection (faraday cage for phone and laptops, lap mats) and hats while driving, or while walking near towers. SLNT has good products. I have a couple T shirts, a hoodie, and a few blankets too, but all of the clothing and blankets are pretty hot, and can block beneficial radiation, so I don't use those for long term. I suppose if people start dying in the streets when 5G is finally turned on (does your phone work any better than it did four years ago?!) I'll use this stuff more. I give it to everyone, but most of them scoff at me. Better safe than...