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RE: Over the top

Absolutely right for me: health before beauty. I hardly go to the salon; I do it myself. Money spent on health-related items is better. And gosh! Those health kits? Never seen one like that, haha. It's good to have them at home. When I pass by the gym area here with a glass wall, I see people on a treadmill either looking at their phone or having blank faces while exercising. I think that's sad. To be healthy, your mind should also be healthy and aware of what you are trying to do, not somewhere else while the body is trying to lose. I think it is much better to go for a nice walk while looking at nature to feed your soul at the same time. You are a clever lady, and you spend your effort and money wisely on important things. x


Right on all counts...especially the bit about me being a clever lady:)
But seriously, I agree. Treadmills be damned! There's nothing that gladdens the heart and feeds the soul more than a long walk gazing upon the wonders of nature.

Haha! You made my morning deirdyweirdy. :)