Leaving town by bike.

in Cycling14 days ago

The first day of another cycling adventure.

Who would have thought?

As I am pedalling through a fresh overcast Thursday morning in May, my thoughts are passing by, like all these buildings that used to weigh heavy on my sense of freedom. Now I am passing them, on my way out of town. Left, right, choosing the turns randomly and making my way as I go, the river is what I aim for. As I cross a huge bridge leading over the train tracks, on one side the open world on the other the main station, I remember all the previous times I crossed that same bridge.

Was it one or five years ago? How much has happened since?

Calculating I find three years to be an accurate number. And I ask myself three years ago, what she would think if she knew what I was about to do right now.

“What the fuck happened?”

I am reassured, because that is exactly the reaction I want from my past self and equally the one I want to be able to give to my future self.

Cycling out of town, by myself, carrying everything I need with me, knowing that I have the ability to cycle anywhere, literally, in this whole world. And knowing I don’t do it to escape, because actually I have come to appreciate my life, even here, even between these streets, that used to be my prison.

So much time to think stretches out in front of me, only interrupted by some marvellous encounters. Not a soul on the path along the river, until I take a turn and bump into two squirls doing their business in the middle of the road. We greet and part ways very quickly.

How did I get here?

Looking at my gear, some of it still has a bit of Turkish Mountain Dust on it and other parts are in my possession since barely two days. These objects make me realize, how it has been all these little decisions along the way, that brought me here. If I would have ever attempted to do it in one big step, chances would have been high, that overwhelmed and scared, I have given up, halve way through.

A little town, I enter through an old wooden bridge, just after, a fountain with flowers swimming in it. I pick one for my hair and look around for a bench to sit down and have my first coffee break.

Just a week ago I came up with this idea to cycle further than my little lake behind the mountain. Wondering just a second wether I was about to rush it. Missing a few vital pieces of equipment such as a tent and a sleeping bag, I wasn’t sure I could make it in time. And then everything showed up, secondhand, not too far, almost new and exactly what I needed. Tent, sleeping bag, matrase.

Makes me assume I am about to do the right thing. That’s how it feels, right now, today.

Through green landscape I cycle up and down, on cycling lanes, little roads and a few main roads. I cross bridges over the motorway and beautiful big rivers. Two girls reach out their hands to clap as I pass, a few more squirls jump up the trees as I pass and some strangers greet me with an enthusiastic “hello”.

In the evening I eat for two and fall asleep as the sun is still up.

106 kilometres.

Not bad for a first day.

Who would have thought?

Many thanks to all of you for stopping by, enjoy your week!

All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.


Amazing photos! Especially I love the ones that include flowers. Best wishes on your voyage.

Thank you!! They where such a lovely surprise, swimming in that fountain, I guess everything is better with flowers😊🌸

What a nice start of your adventure. Squirrels are so cool. I don't see them a lot over here. Cycling in a nature is so nice. I like watching the birds as I go cycling and the deers, rabbits and foxes when I cycle through the dunes.

Enjoy your new adventure and be safe!

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Yes I adore the squirrels too, especially these have seemed to be young ones, too cute!!:)
I haven't been lucky to see a fox or deer yet thought. It feels much more like being part of nature, as on two wheels you pass through quietly and get to see the wild life much more...
Thank you, I will!!

106km in one day, pretty impressive but I am sure it's all the experiences that count the most.

I love your blog and what you're doing/the example you're setting.
It's invigorating and actually makes me feel a little stuck,
no matter how much I enjoy my new, temporary(?) home.

Sending a big hug✨❤️

It is indeed the experience that counts most, meanwhile I can get carried away with numbers sometimes, competing against myself😂
This is such a lovely compliment, sparking any sort of inspiration is literally the best outcome I see from writing about this💜
...and if you ever feel too stuck, I am sure you know how to ride a bike, you don't need much more😁
Thank you and a hug back to you🌸

Love every word of this. Bon voyage. Stay safe, be careful, enjoy the ride <3

Thank you, that means a lot, coming from you❤️ I will😊

It's a beautiful adventure!

It is😊 Thank you!