[ENG/ESP] Guarame where beauty and nature come together.

in Daily Blog29 days ago


Greetings dear hivers and friends of #dailyblog, I wish you an excellent Sunday.
Today I want to take you to enjoy a tour that I made with my family through a corner of Margarita Island that many will consider magical: the town of Guarame. Located in one of the highest points of the Antolín del Campo municipality, in the state of Nueva Esparta, Guarame is a place where time seems to stop and nature unfolds all its splendor.

Saludos queridos hivers y amigos de #dailyblog, les deseo un domingo excelente.
Hoy quiero llevarlos a disfrutar de un recorrido que realicé con mi familia por un rincón de la Isla Margarita que muchos considerarán mágico: la localidad de Guarame. Ubicada en uno de los puntos más elevados del municipio Antolín del Campo, en el estado Nueva Esparta, Guarame es un lugar donde el tiempo parece detenerse para que la naturaleza despliega todo su esplendor.



To go up you have to be very careful because of the high elevation and the sharp curves, a car without good brakes should not venture into this area. However, I must confess that this route is well worth the effort.

Para subir hay que tener mucha precaución por lo elevado que es y las curvas tan cerradas, un auto sin buenos frenos no debe aventurarse en esta zona. Aunque les confieso que este recorrido bien vale la pena hacerlo.



The houses here are an architectural marvel, known as the "chana ranch" style. According to locals, this style of construction was brought to the island because it is extremely cool, a necessity in our tropical climate.

Las casas aquí son una maravilla arquitectónica, conocidas como el estilo "rancho de chana". Según los lugareños, este estilo de construcción fue traído a la isla por ser extremadamente fresco, una necesidad en nuestro clima tropical.




These ranchos are built with wood and mud; these structures are elevated on high props on the hill, allowing the breeze to flow freely and cool every corner.

Estos ranchos son construidos con madera y barro; estas estructuras se elevan sobre puntales altos en el cerro, permitiendo que la brisa fluya libremente y refresque cada rincón.


But what really makes Guarame special is its visual contrast. Imagine warmly colored houses, adorned with rustic and handcrafted details, emerging among the intense green vegetation of the hill. The most impressive thing for me on this tour was how, from the hill, when you look up, in the distance you see the blue sea stretching as far as the eye can see. It is a spectacle that captures the essence of Guarame.

Pero lo que realmente hace especial a Guarame es su contraste visual. Imaginen casas de colores cálidos, adornadas con detalles rústicos y artesanales, emergiendo entre el verde intenso de la vegetación del cerro. Lo más impresionante para mí en este recorrido fue cómo, desde el cerro, al levantar la vista, a lo lejos ves el azul del mar extendiéndose hasta donde alcanza la vista. Es un espectáculo que captura la esencia de Guarame.




Here on the island we decorate a lot with bougainvillea because it is always in bloom and is ideal for the sunny and dry climate.

Al borde de la carretera decoran piedras y plantas, acá en la Isla se adorna mucho con bugambilia porque siempre está florecida y es ideal para el clima soleado y seco.






In Guarame, many houses and lodges have opened their doors to tourism, offering visitors the opportunity to experience life in nature in a magical way. The hospitality of Guarame's inhabitants is as warm as the island's sunshine. During our tour, while taking some photographs, we were approached by a local on his bicycle. He greeted us with enthusiasm and joy and told us that we would soon reach the sea and that there I would fall in love with what I would see.

En Guarame, muchas casas y posadas han abierto sus puertas al turismo, ofreciendo a los visitantes la oportunidad de experimentar la vida en la naturaleza de una forma mágica. La hospitalidad de los habitantes de Guarame es tan cálida como el sol de la isla. Durante nuestro recorrido, mientras tomaba unas fotografías, se nos acercó un lugareño en su bicicleta. Nos saludó con entusiasmo y alegría y nos dijo que faltaba poco para llegar al mar y que allí me iba a enamorar de lo que vería.





And that is where we headed in search of the sea. As we walked along the road, we could see that the hills around us formed a kind of drawings made by the constant erosion of the sea breeze. The more we advanced along the road, the more excited I was to arrive at the place we had been indicated, this journey kept me excited at every moment.

Y hacia allá nos dirigimos en busca del mar. Mientras andábamos por la carretera, pudimos ver que los cerros que nos rodean formaban especies de dibujos hechos por la erosión constante de la brisa marina. Mientras más avanzamos por la carretera más emoción tenía de llegar al lugar que nos habían indicado, este recorrido me mantenía emocionada en cada instante.





We stopped at the edge of a cliff, which was the indicated destination, where the majesty of the sea unfolded before our eyes. It was an area still untouched by man, a virgin corner of nature where roads have not yet been laid out. From that privileged height, the views were spectacular, offering a panorama from the waves gently touching the round rocks to the horizon with its beautiful blue hue. It was a moment of peace and serenity, where all the beauty seemed to converge in a single point in front of us.

Nos detuvimos al borde de un acantilado, que era el destino indicado, donde la majestuosidad del mar se desplegaba ante nuestros ojos. Era una zona aún intacta por el hombre, un rincón virgen de la naturaleza donde los caminos aún no han sido trazados. Desde esa altura privilegiada, las vistas eran espectaculares, ofreciendo un panorama desde las olas que tocaban suavemente las redondas rocas hasta el horizonte con su bella tonalidad azul. Era un momento de paz y serenidad, donde toda la belleza parecía converger en un solo punto frente a nosotros.



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Dear friends, it was a wonderful tour and if you ever have the opportunity to visit Margarita Island, be sure to stop by Guarame. I promise it will be an experience you will not forget, a place where the magic of the island comes alive.
I wish you all a happy Sunday. I will see you in another of my publications. See you soon. Bye.

Queridos amigos, fue un recorrido maravilloso y si alguna vez tienen la oportunidad de visitar la Isla Margarita, no dejen de pasar por Guarame. Les prometo que será una experiencia que no olvidarán, un lugar donde la magia de la isla cobra vida.
Les deseo a todos un feliz domingo. Los veré en otra de mis publicaciones. Hasta pronto. Chao.

The photos were taken with a Bison X10 Pro
DeepeL was used
Photos was made with Canvas


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Muy lindo recorrido por Guarane, un lugar precioso y los ranchos muy parecidos a los de la campiña cubana

Si querida, es un lugar exelente , feliz día 🌹🌷🌼🪷🥀🪻🌻🌸💮💐🌺☘️

What a delightful journey through Guarame on Margarita Island! It sounds like a truly enchanting place where the natural beauty and local architecture blend seamlessly to create a unique and magical experience. The "chana ranch" style houses sound particularly interesting, offering both aesthetic pleasure and practical benefits in the tropical climate.
For anyone reading your post, it must be tempting to add Guarame to their travel list.

It's very nice, it's a perfect mix of nature, beauty and relaxation. I'm glad you like this beautiful part of the island.
Thank you very much for your excellent comment, happy beginning of the week 🌹🌷💐🌺🌼🪷🥀🪻🌻🌸💮☘️

Que lindo recorrido hermana , contigo voy viendo cada rinconcito de ese bello lugar donde vives . Un beso y Felicidades por el día de las madres 💘😘

Gracias hermana @lileisabel , la Isla tiene muchos lugares hermosos que aún no conozco, y espero ir descubriendo , me alegra que los disfrutes y conoscas también.
Feliz día para ti y para mami también😘❤️🌹🌷💐🌺🌼🪷🥀🪻🌻🌸💮☘️

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Waoo amiga me encantó este recorrido, las fotos son preciosas, las vistas del mar desde el acantilado son espectaculares 😍🤩😍 lindo post😍🤩😍🤩 feliz día de las madres🌼🌻💐😍🥰 un abrazo🤗🥰

Me alegro querida Mayra, que te haya gustado este tour, nosotros lo disfrutamos mucho. Feliz noche 🌹🌷🌼🪷🥀🪻🌻🌸💮💐🌺☘️

What a nice outing. Thanks for the beautiful pictures, the pictures alone had made me feel like I'm there with you guys.
Have a great day friend, don't forget to greet you son on my behalf. I hope he's having a great weekend too.

It was a very nice tour and we enjoyed it very much. Thank you @captainman , for your nice comment, and always give my son my regards, he also wants you to receive greetings from him. I wish you a great Sunday 🌹🌷🌺🌼🪷🥀🪻🌻🌸💮💐☘️

Same friend, have a great day.

How are you dear friend @taniagonzalez good morning
I have read a lot about Margarita Island and its towns, the one you have visited is really beautiful, I love the architecture of the place
Thank you very much for letting us know the photographs of this beautiful place.

Glad to know that you liked to know about the island, it has very nice places. Thanks for your comment, happy start of the week @jlufer 🌹🌷💐🌺🌼🪷🥀🪻🌻🌸💮☘️

All I can see is greennnnn, beautiful green 🤩✨. The fact that it still filled with trees, different plants and flowers shows how that place is well loved by the residents in there. 💓

It is a place that many of us love, for its beautiful scenery and tranquility 🌹🌷🌺🌼🪷🥀🪻🌻🌸💮💮☘️❤️

Que divino se ve que la pasaste

Gracias, fue un recorrido muy hermoso , feliz día 🌹🌷💐🌺🌼🪷🥀🪻🌻🌸💮☘️

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Very interesting post @taniagonzalez friend, thanks for sharing.

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