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RE: Statistical-AI vs Logical-AI

in StemSocial10 months ago

I've just finished watching the one hour+ interview by David Shapiro on Youtube. The concept of logical AI sounds really convincing. Also quite shocked to see the number of views for official clips being so low... Need to study much more... Although not too easy to grasp. 😵


Yeah that was a good interview. We really have no idea why the thing we thought is the best in all of crypto is still like the least popular haha xD but there's just too much thinking involved. Better to have the testnet so ppl play around with it

Before the testnet arrives, are you aware of some articles or videos that give some simple examples that can demonstrate how tau works? Like how to transform natural language to controlled language or how some simple pieces of statements in controlled languages can be sorted to conclusion by machine computing etc... I seem to understand the concept but need some concrete cases to help me visualize what a tau future would be like.

check out, go to the intro folder and check out each one (as per screenshot below)

Taken from

The benefits of scaling discussions are not limited to just a more efficient form of social governance. Logic isn't merely about detecting surface level consensus, the network can easily form further deductions from everyone's propositions. If one states 'all men are mortal' and 'Socrates is a man', one can deduce that 'Socrates is mortal.' But deductions can be very deep and non trivial. Imagine if we had a group of 1000 mathematicians all inputting their mathematical insight as propositions. Tau can rapidly detect who agrees with whom on what, and deduce every logical consequence of their combined wisdom; in effect arriving to new truths and insights.

Can also check out (scroll down)

I can't recall if there's anything that is more visual atm. Maybe you can drop by the telegram and ask?

Wow, thanks! that's a lot.

For tml website, oh no, mostly are in the form of codes. Not for me at the moment😆.

Re Traf's post six years ago, WOW! I cannot recall that I'd read it but I did vote for it. Six years... it's like eternity in crypto but they are still here at the least. I bet no one who commented in that post could foresee this situation.

It seems that @dana-edwards was the first to talk about Tau on Steem back then? and then you and traf? It's a pity to see him inactive for two years. For Steem/Hive as a blogging chain that deals with 'words' it would be awesome to combine with Tau.

Those videos seem not so helpful. I guess they have not yet in the phase of serious marketing or awareness promotion.

Will try asking on telegram once I have done more research. By the way, I think I should finished reading the white paper first. I just checked, only a small part of it is formula or codes😄.

Thanks for all these 🆃🅰🆄 information. Much appreciated🙏.

I think roelandp is the only top witness following the project as well, not sure. I think it'll be a useful tool for what we have here on Hive, although that remains to be seen. it could be the only blockchain ppl use eventually. @dana-edwards is still around, i think they just don't want to talk more about it until the testnet.