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RE: HF21/HF22: Back in the Game! Let's Take Steem to the Next Level?

in #steem5 years ago

When I first got I was a bit, actually quite upset about it. but tried to be calm n talk to you who agree to downvote.
n I'm glad I did it.
not just in steemit everyone has different ideas. it can be sorted out maybe not. but we still have to Express what you think.
Discussion is mostly helpful I think.
hope this wont cause another meaningless arguements in steemi.
let's keep trying u till the steem goes to the moon!!!!
have a good day.
(sorry if I was wrong to think that u can understand Chinese by ur family name. )


I have also downvoted myself before for getting too high rewards for a pic lol. You're right, better to discuss. It's just some of us have been downvoting a lot so it's hard to explain to everyone (but we already have a post to explain like this one). Hopefully "communities" feature on steem will help in the future to set expectation on guidelines. Have a good day too (No worries, I just can't read chinese).

곰돌이가 @khaiyoui님의 소중한 댓글에 시세변동을 감안하여 $0.005을 보팅해서 $0.035을 지켜드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 6597번 $76.026을 보팅해서 $86.023을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~