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RE: Introvert and the importance of having Internet friends

in #steemit • 6 years ago


Thank you for being a friend😄 Glad to see your back, I've also been super slacking here, though I have no phone covered in poo to blame😂 Trying to put two kids to bed every night is tough, one goes down, the other pops up, repeat. And working full time doing renos at schools has me exhausted, 40 hours a week seems longer in 40 degree weather. I still try to keep posted, but I've started to fall behind.


I didn't even know that in your country you could reach this level of temperature! I thought it would just be extremely cold, average cold, moderate cold and cold 😂 I'm sure your wife is helping you and that once Luna is a bit bigger you will miss the time that you have spend with her :) this is the best time! <3
Family first.
Steemit friends are low maintenance and we are here, no matter what :)

I live on the cockshaft of Canada, surrounded by Great Lakes. -40 winters, +40 summers, separated by a few weeks of nice weather😕 Truthfully my wife does all the work, but I have to be available to scratch her back and change the channel😄