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RE: Introvert and the importance of having Internet friends

in #steemit6 years ago

I also love my steemit friends, but I'm having the opposite thoughts right now. Thinking of taking a little time away from writing - been doing a lot between here and other places - and just focus on family. Who knows, maybe I'll be back in a day or two though. It's an addiction...

My real-life friend that is so much like you just seems to have met the love of her life and is very busy. I'm happy for her, and besides I have the internet version of her to interact with here :)


Where else do you write? Nothing wrong about taking time off. I did it and it was amazing and I think it wasn't enough. I need more time out of technology. I feel it isn't healthy.
I guarantee you that in real life I am much more funny than in the virtual life. Here I hold myself to not look like a psychopath.

Interesting philosophy you have there - trying to not look like a psychopath on the internet vs. in real life. I like that. Typically our internet persona is the more extreme version of ourselves.

So I nixed doing any social media during the day. I'm just doing that stuff at night when all is quiet, and it has been a big improvement. Out of sight, out of mind.