Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 43 - BAGUETTE CON NUTELLA

in #steemitsandwichcontest6 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the Sandwich contest launched by @jaybird here, with theme "At Least One Family/Cultural Ingredient".

Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to show you a sandwich that has very ancients roots, BAGUETTE CON NUTELLA.
This tradition was initiated by my grandfather after the WWII and subsequently followed by the descendants, in the genealogical tree.
In my family, everybody eats it at anytime of the day and the night. It became our tradition, transmitted from generation to generation. Our love for Nutella has won over family arguments, it has crossed the borders of Christmas festivities and geographic barriers.

Here I am, keeping high the honor of my ancestors with the BAGUETTE CON NUTELLA. Whenever I want it, I prepare it fast and eat it at any time: it's so practical!

The secret ingredients

  1. Extremely long baguette
    Long like an arm!
  1. 350g of Nutella. It raises the level of serotonin, better than any antidepressant.
    Nutella is the Italian food that everybody wants, but nobody confess it.

Spread the nutella on the bread

Look at that beauty
Bellissimo, isn't it?

Now, shove it in you mouth.

And more!

Help yourself with a San Miguel Pale to wash your mouth from the intense flavor of hazelnuts ;)


You like Nutella? Is that a comfort food for you? Does it make you puke? Do you prefer more chocolate or more hazelnuts?
So many dilemmas about it.
Drop your thoughts about Nutella or just come here for a fart.



No no no no, dude. Did you see the color of nutella?
It all comes from anal activities.


Oh Please!!

@bleedpoet, don't support his ideas. I can see your upvote.
No deepthroat sandwich. Nutella goes only anal.

ahaha jeezus! dig the family epic traditional sandwich!

This is exactly what I was referring to in this weeks theme hehe

That is an insanely long sandwich!

Cheers, dude! I'm about to fly to Italy for my annual leave. I will post a lot of photos of my father eating Baguette con Nutella. He is 73 and in perfect health and he enjoys it a lot. You won't be surprised!!

Mad skillz! Such creativity, I must find myself a baguette!

See you can cook at home 😂😂😂

My kids love Nutella. Me, not so much.

Loved your story line and pictures ❤️

Thank you for passing by! See? High cuisine in there ^^

Looks really good. So, if I ever see someone eating "Baguette with Nutella", should I assume he or she is genetically related to you?

Of course! You can freely assume that everybody eating Nutella is biologically linked to me.


When I was in Italy I ate Nutella on a baguette, and I felt very Italian. It was an instinctive thing to do - must be the air. Sadly, it gave me indigestion. Can't eat that stuff. It was worth it though.

Indigestion?? How much did you eat of it? How is that possible?
No no no, come on. Don't give up. Nutella makes everybody equally humans. It's healthy, it makes you happy. It's loving. It's the BEST FOOD EVA!!!

I know, it calls to me from the grocery shelf. I try not to listen, but every time I do my intestines don't work right. Its like a teenaged boyfriend that my parents hate - my tongue wants it, the intestines reject it. So unfortunate.


excuse me

LOL! loved the pics!
Sandwich Nutella!!!! Thats sooooo delicious! when i need a little sugar boost thats exactly the sandwich I make! but instead of baguette I spread it on pita bread :)

Do you warm up the pita bread? I think Nutella is good on everything! It is the food of Gods and Goddesses

Sorry for the late reply
Yup, I definately warm it up!! I love it a bit crispy so I put it in the toaster too😄 then spread the pleasurable guilty delucious Nutella on it and enjoy each bite!! 😄 glad to know you love that too!

I LOVE Nutella. Especially for breakfast heated up in the AM toaster oven. Never had it on a baguette. But as those commercials on the TV say, "it's never too late, as long as there's Nutella. And a sandwich bun longer than your left arm". Now I just gottta find a longer toaster oven...

Nutella is love, Nutella is life, am I right? :D

My latest post is about nutella too and we both have the only posts there up in trending nutella ^^