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RE: My Random Thoughts; How would you identify success?

in #success • 6 years ago

Your random thoughts are more like the wisest thoughts ever seen on Steemit! 💜🔮
I would quote everything you wrote cuz each word is carefully thought for.
But if I were to pick one line it would be this one: ''It never heals the underlying feeling of dissatisfaction, on the contrary, it leaves people thirsty for more.''

You are absolutely right in all that you say!
I always used to say that pride for example, is something internal, in the sense that when you are proud of yourself for X reason, you don't need to share it with the whole world.
Incredibly true that the way our society has made us think of success is in a superficial way, according to superficial standards.

Being kind to others, that's success to me.
Overcoming tragedy, that's success to me.
It really does not have to be about getting that new promotion or being wealthy. Regardless, these things are temporary. Everything external can be taken away from us.

Building our internal value is worth way more than all the money and fame in the world!💖 💖