[Acid Streams] Counter Strike Global Offensive

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

After curating an AWP montage post earlier I got the need to go shoot some players in CS:GO today. Haven't played in a while so I'm surely going to be rusty but hopefully it'll be somewhat fun. Come say hi in chat if you have nothing else going and possibly watch me get rekt. :)

in case embed on hive.blog still doesn't work copy this: https://www.twitch.tv/acidhives


Seems you had some fun.

Therefore a !BEER from me and an invitation to join the week 161 of the thirsty #BeerSaturday.

Greetz @detlev

Cheers! Was live so the fun kept on being had. :D

Hey @acidyo love to get our discussion regarding the #BeerSaturday to the next level. Do you have some time for this?

Yes, very soon, sorry for the delay. :)

Hey @acidyo, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Wow,...awesome graphics, good display, how did you put all this together?

Streamlabs OBS.

Streamlabs is good. I saw some insane graphics for gamers. With the right setup you can really improve the stream. I find it particularly awesome for gamers.

Yeah, thing is when I do stream with higher bitrate many were complaining their internet wouldn't manage to download it fast enough. :/

This is why I often just record some gameplays and upload to youtube cause if it's games like battlefield 5 the graphics are like half the fun. :D

Streaming requires a lot of data. On gaming you really need good internet and great setup.

My phone heats up that at the end of the streaming I might be able to pull off egg cooking on it😂😂🍳

On an unrelated note, are you on Discord?

Hey! I don't have discord😁

Why dont you play a real game like my farming game? Things are getting crazy. I just unlocked lettuce.

Whats the name of the game

Idle Farming Empire

@acidyo CS is my favourite game , i used to play few months back but I stopped Playing because of lack of time. But it is still my favourite.

Have you played maxpain before ?