Do you think is it impossible to perform religious activities without polluting our environment?

in dPoll7 months ago

Do you think is it impossible to perform religious activities without polluting our environment?

Greetings friends!

Religion has a very important place on our life. It controls politics, society and even the economy. Religious activities cannot be performed without involvement of money. Many religious places are also the center of the economy. But, religious festivals also increases pollution. For example every religious festivals needs banner, posters, many exotic items and also pollute air, land and water.

Do you think it is impossible to perform religious activities without polluting our environment?

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  • No.

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Religious ceremony encompasses a broad range of meanings on this world. In my view, part of the essence of being a believer lies in serving The Good and refraining from participating in outright evil. Initially, pollution might not seem relevant in this context; however, the destruction of naturally occurring environments can indeed be an evil act. This is particularly true when it directly harms others or undermines the dignity of our civilization. But I'm not aware of any such rituals in my region.

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reuse and passdown the Christmas deco.

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  • .... I think....

In the eye of Islam or other religions never permit us to pollute environment but banner, posters, many exotic items are the thoughts of human being. God never permit us these kind of activities If you read Quran, Bible, Bedth, Torah.... most of the religious books teach us the same knowledge but people don't read these books rather follow religious masters blindly. Most of the people have no religious education that is the big problem to be a true religious person.

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It cost a lot.

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  • No.

It is possible to perform religious activities without causing significant pollution depending on which activities a person aim to perform. Most of the pollution is caused by people trying to put on a show.


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