Is corona virus man-made?

in dPoll3 years ago

Is corona virus man-made?

Greetings friends!

Corona virus has wrecked havoc for all of us. It has killed millions of people and is also spreading a lot. Some people argue that the way it is showing its severity and adaptability, it must be a creation of some people or organization.

Do you also think that corona virus is man-made?

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  • No (why?)

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There's been a lot of talk about this but absolutely no substance is provided when I press for some proof. So, NO, the corona virus is a natural occurence and a pandemic was due any time from 5 years ago to 6 or 7 years from now.... If it wasn't so poorly managed outside of Vietnam and a handful of nations, this would have been tamed by July of last year.... and much of the problem has been pressure from gullible (and greedy) swayed by absurd conspiracy theories.

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