Reflect on Hive - Ten Thousand Ecency points giveaway

in Reflections13 days ago (edited)


Last week was the beginning of my eighth year on the blockchain - my first day was June 13 2017 - and it's been a ride.

This post is mostly about you but I thought I'd share a few of my own numbers from the last seven years.

  • 3677+ posts made
  • 91,600+ comments made
  • 100,290+ replies received
  • 779,275+ upvotes given to others

The most important thing is enjoyment though, not the numbers, and I've had plenty - if I wasn't enjoying it I'd not be here and I think most would be the same however there's probably exceptions.

Anyway, this is about you so let me get down to business

𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔼𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕪 𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕪


You have to do something for it - there's no free rides with me as I have a strong reward for effort ethos. Don't worry, you don't have to do much...just do the following and you'll qualify for a slice of the ten thousand points which I'll divide up in quantities of my choosing. Maybe one thousand point-splits or two thousand, or'll depend on how I feel about the posts entered.

𝔻𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕪

Post about the positive aspects of your Hive blockchain journey

Make sure you post in the REFLECTIONS Community

The post should be between 150 & 300 words only

Your post must be in English - Not dual language

Follow the community's rules and guidelines

Use only photos that you took yourself

Drop post link in comments below


There is a countdown timer on the Peakd front end - You have 48 hours from the time this post went live to enter and no entries after that time will be considered as entries or eligible for the points


(Link to UTC converter)

It'll be my decision where I send my Ecency points of course and I'll ask some of the people I engage with to offer some upvotes on the better post entries so bring your best, keep it positive and relevant and remember to follow the inflexible guidelines above.

As always I'll be looking for passion, personality and effort so bring that and you're in with a good chance to earn a chunk of Ecency points and some votes as well - maybe some valuable exposure also. I will update this post with confirmation of the transfer of the points to the recipients after the countdown timer ends.

If you're keen to #reflectonhive with a post about the positive aspects of your journey feel free to do so, or maybe you'd simply like to support some of those who do put an entry forward - It's always your choice.

WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT - 07:40 UTC Thursday 20 June 2024

Well done to @tinabrezpike, @avdesing, @ammonite and @livinguktaiwan, you have all had 2,500 Ecency points transferred from me to you for your great entries and for following the word-count and other concept guidelines.


Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


Congratulations! It's a long road to achieve what you did. All your posts are written with so much personality. It's really great to find posts like yours. I’m not interested in posts about numbers, your way of writing is much more engaging. When people see this, they know Hive is not just about technology and numbers but also about sharing stories and life.
But, oh, you got me there ;) In July, it will be my 7th year on Hive. I'm already planning to write a post about my journey here, but let me try to capture what Hive has brought to me in a few words. I'm not sure if I can write such a short post ;) I'm working today, so I'll post it tomorrow. Thank you for this opportunity.

Thank you, it's been largely enjoyable and I've met some lovely people along the way.

The reason I made the word count so short was so that people would have to write in a punchy manner, get to the point, and so others would feel more inclined to read the shorter posts.

Thanks for your kind words on my posts, I appreciate that greatly. I try to inject personality and passion so I'm glad to see that comes through.

So, I posted my link. Thank you for the chance to share. It's been a wonderful experience, and I've met some truly lovely people along the way :)

Yep, saw it...nice entry.

Thats really a great achievement. I started also in 2017 but disappeared for a while. Now I am back, and I am glad to be here again. I started on Steemit and now I am on Ecency. I still dont understand much of the new system but I am trying to figure out everything slowly. I would say things changed really a lot in the past three or four year and I really miss everyone hear. Keep up the good work!

Thanks, it's been a long haul but I've enjoyed it.

Thats all what matters!

Fellow 2017 club member here also 🙌

Cheers 🍻

Wild times man! It’s been a hell of a lot of fun that’s for sure. I’ll try and get something out there and look for the entries of others!

I'm sure some of those who put a post forward might be really pleased with your vote support and maybe a comment too. ✅

Eight years are not few, how many things you must have gone through, a bit of everything!

I'll be happy to participate, it's a great topic, I'll be there, there have been many positive aspects of being in Hive!

Thanks Galen!

Seven years, and into my eighth.

If you'd like to get involved it'd be great but don't let it get in the way of more important things this week.

I'm going through my second... and boy, did things happen!

Don't worry, I'll get organised in a moment, I'm not going to stop participating, I love doing it!

Wow ten thousand Ecency points!? How did you manage to accumulate so much? o.O

I have over 50,000 of them...not sure how I get them, I don't use Ecency. I'm not even sure what they're used for so I give them away.

That's a nice gesture! :)

It seems the right thing to do.

Oh great, you're one person I admire a lot on the chain, I admire your style of writing and your great photography skills, through you I learn to use more of my photos in my writing except on occasions I can't find a photo of mine that suits what I am writing about.

My journey on Hive has been amazing too, I'll surely make a post about it, not just because of the reward but because of how awesome the blockchain is.

It's always best to use one's own photos, shows character. Well done.

Thanks for commenting and I'll be sure to look out for your post.

These is so amazing, 8years looks like just yesterday.....there's a lot to write about thanks for these reminder, and congratulations Boss,i think I'm around 3 or there about...I'm sending my entry pretty soon

My entery.

Looks like you’re one of the early birds on this platform. It’s really good that’s you’ve spent eight amazing years here
Congratulations to you!

Seven years, begging of the eighth...a fair amount of time I guess.

Sounds like a great initiative. Also a nice way to burn through some of those Ecency points! Those are some impressive numbers! You aren't that far away from hitting 1m uptoves. Very nice!

Eight years! That's fantastic! Those are some great stats.

Many moons huh?

It goes fast, doesn't it? I will be 7 years in September.

But then again, I will have been in Japan a bit over 20 years in July and that has also passed in the blink of an eye. Time just never stands still.

More has happened innthe real world for me in that time than on the blockchain. It's a distraction, something I do when I have a few spare moments and nothing more really. I've enjoyed it though, however it's not the same place it once was, so many good people are gone leaving...

Just dropping by to say congratulations. A big hug and a big CONGRATULATIONS, yes. It's in capital letters. Here's to all the road you have travelled in Hive without letting up. You are a very hard working person whom I admire very much.


Rocky roads for sure, but mostly enjoyable... fortunately I have good knees that absorb some of those rough roads I've travelled.

Ok, my knees are shit, but you get what I mean I think.

I'll return serve with your capitals...CHEERS!

Congratulations Mate!, that is a great achievement!, the statistics show it , 8 years around are a lot of year here, you are an example of what Hive is, it is a pleasure to have discovered your communities, your account and everything I have learned from you, thank you very much for all the teachings 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Thanks, the time has gone quickly. In those same years so much has happened in my personal life that I've not shared on Hive, and never will, however it's been largely enjoyable to be on the blockchain.

June 2017! That means my 7 years is coming up soon as well.

There's been plenty of positive aspects for me during these 7 years but it's gradually thinning out recently. I'll see where my keyboard takes me on this one ....

Ah unfortunate to hear of the tribulations but I've got a sense of where you're going to go with this one. Will give it a read!

Yeah, thinning indeed. No doubt.

Thank you so so much Galen!!!🤗

No worries.

Hello @galenkp. Here is my entry. Have a great day! 🫶

How did I not know about this community? I would totally have posted my post (about mom) in here. I guess my own fault for being in and out of Hive for a while.

Well, I made a reflection post but am not linking it because I don't want to be considered for the prize pool i.e. I am knowingly sabotaging your rules - hahahaha.

Hope your week is going well!

It's my brother's community, and I've no idea how you didn't know of it. Have you been under a rock? Lol.

It may well have been a whole mountain of rocks. Wonder what else I missed...

Well, gladly you weren't crushed.

Damn, I went over the word count 🤣 but I was sorry to redo my post 🙂 this time, "goodbye points, be good to someone else" 😃

If someone doesn't hate reading, there is:

Hold on , so its 8 years already for me too, because I also joined in June 2017🙆‍♂️

Anyway let me get on that Positive aspects of my Hive blockchain journey post .

The beginning of the eighth yeah.

this topic caught my attention enormously, I rarely leave film reviews but boy do I have a solid opinion about the positive aspects of hive and one is my girls, my friends on the platform who are like family to me already, more of the positive aspects I see of hive in my post

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I don't have any good reflection photography, but I find it a cool community and I subscribed to it for future posts.

I'm fairly new on this platform and just made my first post, will make another later today.

This community isn't at all about reflection images and photography.

Congratulations for this great journey you have had with cryptocurrencies system you made a lot of articles and formed a minimal community I hope it will continue like this in the future and you will see new life experiences 🧨✨🎇🎆🎉🎉🧨🎆🎇🎇

It shall continue for a time at least, how long only the future will tell.

Although the numbers aren't important, they are impressive!

Oh good... hopefully you used the right word count as per the rules of entry.

Too bad I missed that one, anyway, sorry for that, but still thanks for the topic.

Seen and liked.

Thank you and happy Thursday

It's almost 2pm here and I've got an appointment ahead then home to the home office for the run to the end of the work day around 7pm. Friday tomorrow and that's something to be happy about right?

Here it's 6:36, it's raining and I love it. And it's true, the weekend is coming.... And the whole organism feels it

Happy day Galen

Congratulations for stepping into the 8th year.....many more are yet to come.

Here is my entry for the initiative.:

No worries.

Here’s my entry for it! Thanks man! Fell asleep last night and forgot to add it here lol

this is indeed a great opportunity to share how far I have gone in the Hive blockchain, thank you for this wonderful opportunity

No worries.

🙋🏻‍♂️ My entry (and first post at Reflection 😅):


No problem, I'll take a look.

Anticipating a positive response

Llegue tarde!!

Not sure what that means but, thanks?

Thank you for this amazing opportunity to share and reflect on my journey so far
Here's the link to my entry

Ok, good.

What a magnificent transformation in the space of two years! Indeed, Hive Blockchain has impacted so much on me which 300 words may not be able to express.

Here's my entry:

Wow I'm happy doing this
This is the link to my post 👇👇

Hello galenkp!

It's nice to let you know that your article won 🥈 place.
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