
in THE 2020s9 months ago

Nikki Hakey is wrong. TikTok may be problematic. But that's how the Internet is in general. What she said is inaccurate, incomplete. Just ask Edward Snowden about it. TikTok is more a SYMPTOM. Not a ROOT CAUSE. Problem with the Internet is many things. Many.

$18 million, the value of a Trump property? That's what the judge said. But the taxes says it's worth over $200 million. Local realtors say they can sell it for 500M. Some are willing to pay over a billion for it. Can we boycott American Express for dropping Mike Lindell?

Children Internet Ban can't work. It's like banning guns. Criminals get guns. Kids will find ways to access the web. And legislation interferes with parenting. Parents need to do their job. Decide how much online access your kids will get if any. Fed sucks.

Instead of banning gender surgery. Reform the justice system and prosecute everyone involved in helping people transition. Be it doctors, Big Pharma, drug stores, surgeons, teachers, parents, etc. Try to get rid of liability protection and lock people after the fact.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn on social media. If you're new here, visit introduction and also check out the following links as well. You can also google search my name combined with keywords to find more of my content all over the Internet. You can also chat and advertise in my group on Discord. My content is not copyrighted meaning free to share, clip, reupload, edit, syndicate, rebroadcast, mirror, steal, copy, etc.

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Screenshot at 2023-09-27 13-42-46 Nazis Ukraine China Canada.png

Canada & Ukraine cheered on a Nazi who fought Russia

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-09-27 - Wednesday | Published in September of 2023



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

04:17 AM
Star Wars: Ahsoka 107, Spoiler Review


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INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

10:14 AM

Can we boycott American Express for dropping Mike Lindell?

10:43 AM
If I didn't know any better, I'd say she is from Kentucky.

10:44 AM
Disney Star Wars is so good it's a disease.

follow me on social media
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2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-09-27 - Wednesday - 03:04 AM - Discord Log.

Do you think trolls are scaring people away from my Discord server by spreading fake nudes, defamation, misinformation, scams, half-truths out of context, spam, doxing, are new people fooled by the haters who are trying to imprison and murder me while framing me, will they win? 11:32 AM. Do people actually believe Trump destroyed Jan6 footage? Talk about inverting reality. Vitamin is in my Discord with deceptive talking point. Vitamin probably just repeats whatever he wants to believe. People like Vitamin are hopeless and broken because they refuse to research. 11:51 AM. Ultimatum. If I didn't know anybody, I'd say Roy Merrick was waiting for the second coming of Jesus, I mean for my return to my own God damn Discord server. He can ask around if he forgets what he must do to get me back, please remind Roy each day. Roy will just sit there. 12:00 PM. I met Roy Merrick on Prison Planet Banned Video Infowars Alex Jones & Owen Shroyer's Infocomms forum website around 2019. Roy is online right now on my Discord thinking I'm going to begin chatting any second. But I may never ever return. Roy thinks he can just wait for me. 🤣. Why does Roy stock my Discord server and say nothing? He must be in some private conversation or in other servers. I'm literally having a staring contest with Roy, he thinks he can win by just waiting. Hey Roy, you will probably sit there for many months waiting. You'll lose. I wouldn't mind hanging in my own Discord server if people actually wanted to engage in real conversations, questions, debate, memes, videos, links, brain storming, concerns, reflection, commentary, feedback, criticism, curiosity, work, collaborating for projects, etc.

12:19 PM
Mouse Moose Oatmeal? Roy Merrick just dropped this in my Discord server, I wonder what it means. Ugly Monkey Mouse is wearing his Hive Blog shirt. Star Wars plans in the background? What's he up to? Film projector and DVDs? Razor? Battleship? What is he drawing or writing? Is Roy cooler than Stephen King? Roy, why are you not taking my poll? Roy, can I get a Mount Oatmeal Rushmore meme? Roy Merrick, If I like what you post on Discord and elsewhere, be it memes, photos, articles, videos, GIFs, files, pages, maps, and whatever else, then I'll share them. What I really want is to lay the groundwork to the Oatmeal lore, the overall outline to Original Oatmeal. Please help me. If you want me to engage in my Discord server, take the poll and get others to take the poll, all we need is 300 thumbs up to get me to come back. But there are many exceptions to this general rule if people really wanted to interact at deeper levels ya know? Roy Merrick, The longer you wait, the harder it may get. Starting in October of 2023, I may begin checking my Discord server less often. I'm still constantly checking as there aren't too many running it. If you want to get me back, talk to Ian and others about how to do that. Roy Merrick, My plan is to begin transitioning as we enter next year, that is 2024, towards using Discord less and less each month. People can always stop me. The longer you wait, the harder it may get to get me back assuming you even want that. I'm viewing Discord a failure. 01:33 PM. Roy Merrick, Here's my plan assuming my Discord server poll never gets 300 thumbs up to harken the second of Oatmeal Jesus or other exceptions. The plan is to beginning checking Discord less and less as enter 2024 and beyond. So, I plan to slowly begin pulling away. Disaster. Dear Discord, If you want to get me to check my Discord server, you should have Elon Musk Twitter X representatives who could tweet at me to get my attention. If my Discord isn't growing fast enough, then I'm wasting my time on it and should only check Discord like monthly. The Bumbaloe mascot is a jackalope church mouse with moose ears, designed by Roy Merrick on my Discord server, this is deep in the lore of the Billy Breaker from the Arnold Attic. 04:32 PM. The purpose behind the poll is to force my Discord server to grow meaning it's up to you whether the group grows or not. You'll be rewarded for taking us from 200 members to 300, get everyone to take the poll. In life, you're either growing or shrinking, my server is in limbo. 04:52 PM. Flopper dropped this meme. It reminds me of Viva Frei but could be me in 20 years, personification of my inner child looks like Alfred E. Neuman (The MadTV kid). I see Robin Baker, Tommy, blood, Alex, ninja, mic, what else? Meme contest. The make Oatmeal Joey Arnold look as ugly and stupid and everything else as possible. That is according to Big Flopper on my Discord server which has 200 members which like 99% might not even know me at all, may be bots, alts, scams, cat fish, haters, criminals. Out of the 200 members in my Discord server, like 20 are bots, 50+ may be alts, 30+ may be criminals, and the remaining like 100+ may not really care either way. There may be a few accounts which may be fans or may have unique thoughts on everything. Most accounts are trolls? Green Ranger Jesus died for us. This should be a Black Mirror episode of a 2-headed beast, Oatmeal's animal spirit is his Billy Breaker persona as revealed in the 1996 Power Rangers parody film. We should establish general lore outlines before diving too deep into specific stuff. Most of the 200 members in my Discord server are probably not in my server. They joined but are specifically hanging out in other servers if any, they don't have a habit of leaving servers. They just join servers & forget. My server only has like ten real accounts. That's it. 05:54 PM. Do you agree with Vitamin's assessment? He said I'm an offensive vulnerable loathsome sexually depraved orphan man child parasite struggling the manhood struggle lifting spirits, "A sexually depraved miscreant who is seeking only to gratify his basest and most immediate urges." 06:29 PM. My home videos were shown in biology class and we saw 9/11 happen during class live which means 9/11 and the Arnold Attic are tightly connected inside my mind because of that.


2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


12:10 PM
Are you suggesting we ban guns so only criminal and cops have them?

12:14 PM
Drain the swamp and the military, it's better to only hire the best of the best to serve in the U.S. Army. Otherwise, other countries could infiltrate the weakest links to sabotage and whatever else.

12:33 PM
In 1990, Trump called out the fake news on Barbara Walters who tried playing both sides as she was trying to imply Trump sucked. She tried saying the fake news is fake but that she isn't fake. But then she aligned with the fake news. She was trying to gain credibility. Agenda.

05:37 PM
Instead of doing law school, I would recommend looking to work/train under lawyers/etc, apprenticeships, internships, mentorships. College is not as vital for entrepreneurs & might be a waste of time (outside of trade school). Unless if specific jobs require specific degrees.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Ahsoka 106

2023-09-27 - Wednesday - 03:08 AM - Star Wars: Ahsoka 107 | Star Wars: Ahsoka 107, Spoiler Review

Anakin's last holocron video training for Ahsoka. She is training. Space mines as they approach the planet. Whales jumped. Witches find her. She does the Leia thing to find the girl. Leia was mentioned in the episode. Good fights. C3PO cameo. Bad girl runs away. Ewok moment with the rock snails.

09:00 AM
Kari Lake | PBD Podcast | Ep. 307

10:08 AM
Kari Lake on PBD. Patrick ran into Bill Clinton.

12:21 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 9/27/23 • FAUCI RAN CIA COVID DISINFORMATION, News, Reports & Analysis

12:37 PM
Fauci worked for the CIA to promote the Covid Vaccine scam, is this like espionage?

12:41 PM
Alex Jones. It'd be ashamed if something happened to your family. Globalists are threatening Alex. Like the mafia would.

12:46 PM
Hitler was a spin-off teaser trailer. Hitler had a connection to British intelligence (globalists). Hitler didn't even get a full season. 2020 Covid Lockdowns was the beginning of the the global empire. What we have right now is worse than Hitler.

12:52 PM
Trump case. Same as the Alex Jones trial. You're found guilty pre-trial in summary judgements which violates the constitution. You're declared guilty until proven not innocent but how guilty. Judges will say you can't say you're innocent, they said that to Alex. Now, Trump.

01:06 PM
$18 million, the value of a Trump property? That's what the judge said. But the taxes says it's worth over $200 million. Local realtors say they can sell it for 500M. Some are willing to pay over a billion for it.

02:35 PM
We will take down Trump. Said New York Attorney General Letitia James in 2018. Trump can't even show these videos where she brags she was going to do what we are seeing now five years later. These freedom haters always telegraph their future plans, they are easy to defeat.

05:46 PM
Trump lot, $18 million, said judge. Other properties at 20M, 24M, 30M, 56, etc. Zillow estimates Trump's at 24M. Notice the Trump property is the largest lot.

05:10 PM
Timcast IRL - LIVE GOP DEBATE, Elon FIRES Election Team For Compromising Election w/Michael Knowles

06:02 PM
Where is Trump Water? You may find Trump products at his resorts and hotels. The haters try to say Trump is a poor failure. Yeah, nobody wins all the time. But Trump had a successful career in general for decades.

06:08 PM
GOP Debate off to a great start. Moderator lady starts with speaking in Spanish. If Trump was there. He would say, "WRONG!" As in wrong country. Mary is hotter than the ugly GOP debates. I'd rather watch this simpcast red head than rot my brains with the crowded building GOP debates. Donald Duck is more understandable than the GOP debates.

07:19 PM
I disagree with Tim Pool. I agree it's a human rights violation to cut off balls. But I'm against excessive federal legislation. The act of cutting is already a crime. We don't have to make additional laws. Abortion for example is already murder. Fed is too big.

07:25 PM
Instead of banning gender surgery. Reform the justice system and prosecute everyone involved in helping people transition. Be it doctors, Big Pharma, drug stores, surgeons, teachers, parents, etc. Try to get rid of liability protection and lock people after the fact.

07:31 PM
Nikki Hakey is wrong. TikTok may be problematic. But that's how the Internet is in general. What she said is inaccurate, incomplete. Just ask Edward Snowden about it. TikTok is more a SYMPTOM. Not a ROOT CAUSE. Problem with the Internet is many things. Many.

07:39 PM
Children Internet Ban can't work. It's like banning guns. Criminals get guns. Kids will find ways to access the web. And legislation interferes with parenting. Parents need to do their job. Decide how much online access your kids will get if any. Fed sucks.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

02:29 AM
Kari Lake | PBD Podcast | Ep. 307

Ahsoka 106

2023-09-27 - Wednesday - 03:08 AM - Star Wars: Ahsoka 106

09:00 AM
Kari Lake | PBD Podcast | Ep. 307

10:52 AM
Hollywood SHRINKAGE | Ahsoka: A Colossal WASTE of Time - Nerdrotic Nooner 379 with Chris Gore

12:21 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [1 of 4] Wednesday 9/27/23 • FAUCI RAN CIA COVID DISINFORMATION, News, Reports & Analysis

05:10 PM
Timcast IRL - LIVE GOP DEBATE, Elon FIRES Election Team For Compromising Election w/Michael Knowles

Evening. They. PDX. Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 09:00 AM. Forget dreams. Breakfast, 11:00 AM. Lunch, 11:26 AM. Nap around 1 to 2. Boxes in from Amazon delivery and also items in the mail box. More food, 02:27 PM. Recycling, compost, no mail and got the mail earlier too, dishes, from around 3 to 04:30 PM. Dinner, 04:33 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 3 tangerines, 11:00 AM. Lunch: salad, 11:26 AM. Banana bread, 02:27 PM. Dinner: green beans with the broth water, 04:33 PM. Ice-cream. ChinhPham0276: 2023-09-27 - Wednesday - 09:30 PM. 1. Daryl Dixon 103. TH sound. Grammar. I aint gonna do that. Different ways of talking. Why do we say an apple? One answer is it would be harder to say a apple because you would need to leave enough space between a and apple as a and the beginning of the apple is the same sound. In 1448, apple might have been spelled as napple. So if that is true, then that might be a reason we now say an apple instead of a napple. Ox was spelled as nox. Old English words.

If you don't hear from me in a long time, I was possibly robbed, attacked, imprisoned, murdered, destroyed, etc. I will NOT kill myself. I will NEVER commit suicide. There is a lot of fake news about me online. People had police swat us. People sent unpaid pizza to our house. People are spreading fake nudes of me. People are trying to take out fake credit cards in my name. People stole my social security number (SSN).

Please join my group on Discord to help us debunk the LIES. You can ADVERTISE in my group. I need more MODS and ADMINS. For extra credit, if you want to help, come to my Discord and type in promo code Tree92.