
in THE 2020s5 months ago

Oatmeal Trolls, Scammed For The Oatmeal Agenda Video. Trolls can either give me what I want, if they want me to return the favor, or I'll begin ignoring my trolls come 2024 if not sooner, but my trolls will forget I said this, my trolls will continue lying about me, my trolls are too surface-level fake-news incapable of deep-diving. Trolls infiltrated my Discord Server, they stalk everyone who joins spamming fake news about me preying on the short-attention span people have which they got thanks to reality-melting serpents like TikTok which erodes their critical-thinking capabilities making them wheel-rats. I'm planning to give people more power in my Discord Server come 2024 matched with others losing permissions, major changes will be made to roles and perhaps to the bots, you might see me less, & cool people can take over my server or let the trolls continue their reign of terror. I've been blogging about my interaction with trolls because I find it to be an educational window into the psychology of anthropology with the hope my life serves as an illustrative parallel depending on where you might be within the context of these stories.

Oatmeal Lore could be summarized, I'm thinking of categorizing my first half of my life Bumbaloe and my second half Ojawall, I'm willing to rename and reorganize these overgeneralized labels, consider this merely as a starting point for an ongoing adventure that is still evolving. Some people believe in the For The Greater Good scam which is dangerous thinking if you begin dismissing individuals in a desire for an alleged greater good that might make it ok. People are taught to seek after the greater good. On my never-ending to-do list includes perhaps rebranding myself or I'm particularly interesting in commenting on the outline of my autobiography, the story of my life & specifically my online activity going back decades which there are many reasons I'm on this Holy War Endeavor.

Whether you want me to interact directly with everybody in my Discord Server or whatever you want from me, either get me a thousand members before 2024 or get me other things of equal value. If not, then have fun without me as I'm drifting away to the extent things don't improve.



Star Wars Oatmeal

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-12-22 - Friday | Published in December of 2023



Random Outline of my Jan6 Involvement, General Overview

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:43 AM
Oatmeal Trolls, Scammed For The Oatmeal Agenda

I was born in 1985 in Oregon
I've been online since like 1997, like past 26+ years
I've been documenting my autobiography for years
Trolls been lying about me since like the 1990s
Lot of fake news these past 4+ decades
But I confess I did a bad job talking about my life
A lot of stuff about me can be too inaccurate, even stuff that came from me directly
My online trolls have been stalking me since at least 2010
Trolls are guilty of taking out of context/character screenshots/scams/trolling/soundbites/clips/disconnected elements/entrapment paragraphs/fake titles/deceptive headlines/isolated quotes/click-bait designed to shock thus creating a black-hole effect
I scammed Fish in 2022
And not just that, I did a lot of things
One of the purposes of my Discord Server was to trick my trolls into helping me with my autobiography, oatmeal lore, and other projects
I'm guilty of trying too hard in life while working on too many things at the same time
I try not to say that I'm very good at everything I do
I may have failed a lot in my life with everything, everybody, everywhere, many times
My Discord Server may be a big failure as it's full of 400+ trolls
To be clear, not saying everybody there is
If you want me back there, please try to give me what I want
My Lolcow Trolls are lolcows as I'm milking them and not the other way around
Part of the reason I scam my trolls is to show people how surface-level they are with the inability to do deep-diving investigations
I totally tricked them and there's more

02:46 AM
The Chosen: Season 4 Official Trailer, Spoiler Review


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

01:32 PM

Some people believe in the For The Greater Good scam which is dangerous thinking if you begin dismissing individuals in a desire for an alleged greater good that might make it ok. People are taught to seek after the greater good.

07:20 PM
Oatmeal & his Walking Dead Horde of Illegal Aliens, undocumented citizens, I mean his caravan of illegal guinea-pigs voting Biden in order to destroy the United States just like Europe and the Roman Empire. 07:36 PM. Robin Williams was a leftist? Why is Robin mocking Trump while praising Obama? 08:53 PM. All my guinea pigs are voting Trump 2024, only way to counter the millions of dead voters, illegal aliens, and ballots which are often either lost or recounted/duplicated dozens of times again and again. 11:15 PM. Darth Guinea Pig and his millions of illegal clones who hate USA MAGA Trump are voting Biden or Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom in 2024, this is Star Wars all over again with the Disney Emperor and Darth Vader dividing and conquering modern-day Rome.

google me to find me online
start | bing | brave | duck | google | yahoo | yandex | you

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg



Discord Drama

2023-12-22 - Friday - 12:31 AM - Discord Log.

Fish too chicken to bet me any money because Fish knows I'll win and Fish will lose as Fish already lost, I'm from the future to tell everybody I won like Trump did in 2020 and 2024. I scammed Fish in 2022 with my lies because I didn't want him to get too bored too quickly, I felt like Fish wouldn't return had I not click-bait him like I did Yung Savy and others in 2023. I never heard of Chris Chan or Daniel Larson until people started comparing me to them starting in 2022 as far as I know meaning they started the comparison, I didn't come up with the comparison, I'm just milking it for my own reasons. 12:47 AM. Trolls can either give me what I want, if they want me to return the favor, or I'll begin ignoring my trolls come 2024 if not sooner, but my trolls will forget I said this, my trolls will continue lying about me, my trolls are too surface-level fake-news incapable of deep-diving. Trolls infiltrated my Discord Server, they stalk everyone who joins spamming fake news about me preying on the short-attention span people have which they got thanks to reality-melting serpents like TikTok which erodes their critical-thinking capabilities making them wheel-rats. 01:26 AM. My Lolcow Trolls will probably see less and less of me come 2024 if they fail to even try to get even one percent of what I want. I'll continue publishing my autobiography and other projects. Will probably begin ignoring my trolls more and more. Way too busy to stalk my trolls. When I lied to Fish in 2022, I thought more people would call me out on how absurd my deception was. My thinking was to stimulate shock in order to generate a black-hole effect among other things. I scammed and used Fish for my own Oatmeal Agenda. One of the purposes of my Discord Server was to trick trolls into helping me with my many projects and autobiography which I've been working on for years, perhaps I totally failed at this endeavor. 02:39 AM. On Discord in 2023, trolls catfished me saying they were 18+ porn stars or whatever which I knew that they probably weren't & decided to troll them back which led to them then saying they're minors while saying I knew which is fake news as they're anonymous meaning they lie/scam. I did buy Brianna Murray a plane ticket from Florida to Hawaii. 04:42 AM. B3njamin is fake news as he tried nuking my Discord Server, I didn't say anything about deserving an autobiography as I already have one/I'm more famous than what you see on TikTok which mostly started in 2022/been around longer than that elsewhere online/you're too surface level. Please don't dig up my Internet history going back to the 1990s, actually you're too lazy to dig that far back, bet you can't fully do that, you're too lazy. 11:59 AM. My content was taken down many times over the years, many websites, apps, social media networks, video platforms, Facebook, forums, TOL, Xanga, Diary Land, Bebo, email, chat, messages, posts, AOL, Yahoo, Geo Cities, Skype, MSN Hotmail, Google+, and YouTube deleted my 10K+ videos. Anonymous people want me to take down screenshots of them and yet they're not the same as public figures, it's like comparing apples with oranges. I'll be a martyr if I'm murdered, I told people for years on all the websites many times I might be killed or assassinated by bad people, my legacy will live on even after bad people end me. 12:19 PM. My trolls cannot stand the fact I'm actively taunting and trolling them back, it's a twisted game as I know they're incapable of diving deep enough in order to see the truth of the matter regarding my life, imagine if I starred on Baywatch with guinea pigs instead of hot women. 01:02 PM. Oatmeal Lore could be summarized, I'm thinking of categorizing my first half of my life Bumbaloe and my second half Ojawall, I'm willing to rename and reorganize these overgeneralized labels, consider this merely as a starting point for an ongoing adventure that is still evolving. 01:07 PM. I'm planning to give people more power in my Discord Server come 2024 matched with others losing permissions, major changes will be made to roles and perhaps to the bots, you might see me less, & cool people can take over my server or let the trolls continue their reign of terror. 01:28 PM. Whether you want me to interact directly with everybody in my Discord Server or whatever you want from me, either get me a thousand members before 2024 or get me other things of equal value. If not, then have fun without me as I'm drifting away to the extent things don't improve. 01:53 PM. Whether accidental/intentional, during the course of my life, I'm guilty of not always explaining what I was doing/thinking/saying as I played Devil's Advocate/trolled trolls/scammed/utilized click-bait/sarcasm/irony/hyperbole/parody/over the top absurdity/distraction/assumption. 02:04 PM. I wanted my Oatmeal Lore to be like choose your own adventure books where you can interact and contribute to the story be it true or not, you cannot always stop people from lying about people, I've decided to turn it all into a dangerous Hungers Games as it was already fictional. 02:30 PM. Top goals for 2024 include outlining/summarizing/organizing/listing/syndicating/archiving my autobiography/content/projects as much as possible or at least the canon; I desire to publish better websites/etc to better invite everyone to join me in everything I'm doing. Creating a black-hole effect was one of the reasons I scammed Fish in 2022 say for example out of the many things I did going back decades/oddly my confession didn't stop Fish who might actually think I didn't scam him/there's reasons why I gotta stop trolling people like Fish. 02:53 PM. I've been blogging about my interaction with trolls because I find it to be an educational window into the psychology of anthropology with the hope my life serves as an illustrative parallel depending on where you might be within the context of these stories. 03:05 PM. On my never-ending to-do list includes perhaps rebranding myself or I'm particularly interesting in commenting on the outline of my autobiography, the story of my life & specifically my online activity going back decades which there are many reasons I'm on this Holy War Endeavor. 03:41 PM. Mystery cultivates fans to engage, EZ of Memes World might have said this to me in 2022, I've been stuck in limbo for years haunted by the question of whether I take this type of advice of not revealing too much as to ruin the enticement for diving in, the Star Wars Yoda Syndrome. Elon Musk's Twitter X has an incredible AI engine named Grok, please don't ask this AI or ChatGPT or Bing or You.com or other AI or search engines/apps/programs/websites/software about me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and post your findings online everywhere to expose me. 03:52 PM. Love him or hate him, Roy Merrick made some interesting content and those who insult Roy are simply haters who are lost in the lower dimensions. 04:01 PM. I was interested in cultivating a cultist fandom of both lovers & haters, a dichotomy dualism, a never-ending black-hole limbo debate of paradoxes, particularly before I became potentially/hypothetically more famous/viral thus establishing a group who were there before it got big. 04:22 PM. Arguably my lowest point generally speaking as a content creator may have been in the 2010s meaning the previous decade, I seek to explain why that was the case, I want to explain what went wrong with everything I did which included click-bait/clout/trolling/scams/deception/etc. 04:32 PM. The paradox is I've been excessively/aggressively way too subconsciously as an autistic introvert with assuming others were on the same page I was or deliberately disorganized in general in expressing my opinions even in the mist of being a Trump/Monk clean-freak perfectionist. I'm guilty of using shocking/deceptive MSM-style click-bait video/article/content titles/headlines which wasn't always paired with sufficient correction/explanation as I wasn't always providing efficient elaboration regarding the actual points/opinion I was trying to get across. 06:17 PM. I'm guilty of acting crazy like Alex Jones/Trump even before I really started following them in 2016, I'm guilty of utilizing excessive hyperbole/absurdity/irony/sarcasm/satire/click-bait/scams/fragmentation/trolling/clout/Devil's Advocate/etc like a hook or bridge unto nowhere. 06:30 PM. You might say my obsession over allegedly exposing the crimes of others while simultaneously personifying/archiving said cases is too unbalance/hypocritical when contrasted with my own faults/mistakes/failure/problems; my concern/desire was to raise awareness. 06:52 PM. Those who study my 26+ years Online Career going back to like 1997 would recognize a reoccurring pattern/history of using absurdity/antiphrasis/apophasis/chiasmus/epistrophe/hypallage/litotes/meiosis/oxymoron/pleonasm/simile/puns/syllepsis/synecdoche/zeugma/etc to make points/etc. Was spreading myself too thin as personified through channels/projects/accounts/pages/websites/playlists/groups/servers/articles/video/endeavors/blogs/email/social media/files/activity/plans/actions/content which was often not always totally explained/organized/summarized/listed. I'm guilty of being cryptic/misleading assuming, like an Oregonian homeschooler drugged on Root Beer, that others would either be on the same page I was on or at least understand where I was coming from which trolls/haters perverted/inverted/twisted my intentions. 08:27 PM. My @greenoatmeal account on Elon Musk's Twitter X was suspended back in 2021 probably because I was peacefully commenting on peaceful, non-violent activism, protests, rallies, Jan6, Alex Jones, Trump, conservatives values, things of that nature. 08:44 PM. I was first called a LOLcow in 2022. I've not exactly said what I might enjoy or not enjoy. Whether or not I'm a LOLcow is also an open debate. But remember I've been online for years before 2022. Dig deeper into my history to determine who I am and everything else. 09:03 PM. How much you wanna bet, I will not share Screenshots of my Discord Server again to my @ JOEYARNOLDVN account on Twitter before 2024, this is my last Discord Screenshot to this Twitter Account. Fish, let's bet money. I bet you I will not share screenshots of my Discord Server to my @ JOEYARNOLDVN account again before 2024. Will I share screenshots of my Discord Server to my @ JOEYARNOLDVN account on Twitter X again before 2024? 11:00 PM. Ladies and gentlemen, I've officially left my Discord Server, I stopped checking it, I'm not there taking screenshots. I'm probably never gonna ping or message people in my server ever again in 2024 and beyond. I may not even talk about it on my @ JOEYARNOLDVN Twitter account. 11:19 PM. My Discord Server is dead to me now, I'm not gonna check as their conversations are demented since they're the kind of trolls who may never ever notice I left even in many months from now in 2024, these are the kind of haters who live within a bubble of ignorance/arrogance/apathy. Did Disney send kids to Epstein Island? 11:40 PM. I'm probably not gonna visit my Discord Server again before 2024, don't tell my haters/trolls about this, but not that they would ever notice or admit that I'm not even spying on them, nobody should join as it's officially dead to me, it's the end of an era, the trolls have won. 11:46 PM. You can make friends in my Discord Server, advertise, chat via text, party in the voice channels, do video calling, plug your stuff, talk, spam, troll, share content, share links, share memes, debate, discuss, market, date, play games, free speech, party, Star Wars, Nintendo, etc. 11:51 PM. What haunts me is how trolls are not even trying at all to meet my Discord Server Demands which I've mentioned on all the websites many times for months which means my time is better spent elsewhere, especially as these haters are committing illegal/deadly defamation/deception.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


Faraway Downs 105-106

2023-12-22 - Friday - 03:20 AM - Faraway Downs 105-106

Horses to break. They kidnap the boy. Nicole runs after him. Man tries to make a trade with her. World War 2 begins with Japan. Magic song. Jack does after saving the boy who runs off with his grandpa. I disagree with their decision to have Jack die like it is Titanic which also had a Jack played by Leo die. But good story overall. They apologize for going after their Indians. But not sure if I agree with that in some ways.

02:58 PM
DdayCobra Cast - Steven Crowder DESTROYS Piers Morgan | Alex Jones Was Right

04:08 PM
Piers Morgan is either broken and/or is deliberately being too deceptive about Alex Jones regarding fake news which many people don't understand Alex said people died the day it happened. Later on, Alex did say some things. But there is context to what Alex said. And people should spend hundreds of hours studying the context which includes people bringing it up to Alex to then force Alex to talk about it.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

01:10 AM
The Chosen: Season 4 Official Trailer

01:20 AM
Laura Loomer - EP18: Is America Officially A Third World Nation?

Faraway Downs 105-106

2023-12-22 - Friday - 03:20 AM - Faraway Downs 105-106

11:48 AM
Laura Loomer - EP18: Is America Officially A Third World Nation?

12:22 PM
Jordan Peterson - Discussing Communism in All Its Glory | Michael Malice | EP 407

02:47 PM
Exodus 90 Escape Room

02:58 PM
DdayCobra Cast - Steven Crowder DESTROYS Piers Morgan | Alex Jones Was Right

05:57 PM
Timcast IRL - TRUMP WINS, SCOTUS Rejects Prosecutor Request Pushing Trial AFTER 2024 w/James O'Keefe

11:32 PM
PSYOP: Alex Jones EXPOSES Dark TRUTH about Trump's REMOVAL From BALLOT | Benny Johnson

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 11:20 AM. Into RV to get cabbage for my salad mom is making and I grabbed Waterloo styler sparkling water which expired in 2021 but is ok. Not my favorite drink but I was curious if it was still good and it is. Breakfast, 12:23 PM. Lunch, 01:56 PM. Vacuum, 03:10 PM or so. Back here at 03:29 PM after mom told me to watch this Adobe program program which featured AI. Mail. Compost. Dishes, 5. Dinner, 05:49 PM. to like 8. Dishes too off and on to then. Food log: Breakfast: cabbage cheese blueberry pineapple salad, 12:23 PM. Lunch, coffee, 4 tangerines, 01:56 PM. Rice and stuff like a soup around 4 or 5. Dinner: toasted cheese bagel which I love, 05:49 PM. ChinhPham0304: Son Class 0144: 2023-12-22 - Friday - 09:30 PM. 1. Five Senses, page 141. Ears work, 142-144. Nervous System. Ear canal is the hole. Subject is like a part or particular story or topic. Diagram means map-picture that can help you see parts of a thing and how it works. Label. Inside this hard drive is a round thing that looks like a disc. The round things in the hard drive is called a platters and it is like discs, DVDs, CDs. Hub means center. The Internet is like a digital or virtual library. Everything in the computer goes through the green motherboard. Hard drives are connected to the motherboard via the IDE or SATA connection. CPU goes into the Processor Socket on the motherboard. RAM goes into the 2 Memory slots. Power is plugged into the motherboard. If tech stopped all around the world, there would be many problems. It is hard to bring food to stores without technology or electricity. My trolls can have my Discord Server until my heirs are ready to inherit my legacy and take over. Whether you're a hater or a fan, remember you can always find ways to get me to come back or to get me to do whatever you want me to do in general. Just try to meet my demands baby.

I created my Discord Server in 2019. If anything happens to me, if you don't hear from me in a long time. Maybe I was murdered/killed. Maybe I was robbed, attacked, imprisoned, destroyed, etc. I will NOT/did not/would never ever kill myself/commit suicide. Lot of fake news about me online. Online anonymous troll haters had police swat us/sent unpaid pizza to our house/spread fake nudes of me/tried taking out fake credit cards in my name/stole my social security number (SSN)/etc. I need to put out better content/articles/videos/websites/memes/etc debunking defamation thrown at me, you can find fake news about me on my Discord Server and type in secret code Fonnie Filden 414 to show me you read this/Let us know if you want to help us.