The Black Diamond in Copenhagen, Denmark

in Worldmappin6 months ago (edited)

A while ago I wrote about visiting The National Library of Latvia in Riga. Today I want to post about my visit to another library. This one is in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark and is the National Library of Denmark, or better known as the Black Diamond. I came here last year after Hivefest in Amsterdam, so it's a long overdue post. But goods things are worth waiting for 😊

Black Diamond

The name Black Diamond is so called due to the building's distinctive front exterior that is made up of many blocks of black granite from Zimbabwe. It sits on the side of the river and the shimmery reflection from the water onto the black granite gives it that extra sparkle bringing its name to life.

The library consists of three separate blocks. At the back is the original library which dates back to 1906. In 1968 an extension was built, it's already a lot more modern looking compared to the original library. Then in 1999, the Black Diamond was built.

This image is taken from the other side of the building. Here you can see the two footbridges that connect the 1968 extension and the Black Diamond across the road.

Old Library

I started my visit to the Black Diamond in the old library first. My favorite room is this one, which houses the catalog system. In the old days, there were no computers but people still needed a way to catalog and find books. This was done using a card system, and the cards were placed in little drawers. It must have been quite difficult to find a book and imagine if some idiot put the card back in the wrong place, that would be a nightmare for others!


A bit further on is this room. I don't know what it's called, I just found the octagonal design very interesting.


I didn't go upstairs to the old library as I was more interested in seeing the Black Diamond. Access to that was via the extension block, and across the footbridge.


From Old to New

The entrance from the old to the new is the orangey part in the middle of the image below. It leads directly to a moving walkway that takes you to the front of the Black Diamond. I took this photo on the walkway looking back to the old library. And that's when I noticed a massive painting on the ceiling. The massive 210sqm painting covers the ceiling of the footbridge, connecting the old to new world.


New Library

Here's the moving walkway I mentioned earlier on. It cuts through the entire building and if you come in through the front (which I didn't), the sight of it and the whole central foyer and balconies really takes your breath away.


The view coming down the walkway from the old library was equally, if not more impressive. The light from the waterfront flushes into the library through the 24-meter-high glass windows. And then you have the curved balconies on the upper floors which are like waves gently swaying towards the river. Literally, not physically, thank goodness!!

I was here around noon time, and the light was gushing through from the front window, creating these very interesting shadows of the stools and tables dotted around in the central atrium.

Moving further up

The Black Diamond is a proper functional library, but due to its impressive architecture it's also a popular landmark for busybody tourists like me. Visitors are free to wander around most of the library. I think some reading rooms have restricted access, so I don't know what I missed. Probably not a lot as those reading rooms are normally more functional than aesthetic. What I do know is what I saw from the central atrium really took my breath away.

Everything from left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom looking upwards, and inside looking out gives a different perspective on the enormity of this impressive structure.




This photo was taken from the footbridge that connects the two sides. It was on the top floor, I can't remember if it was the 7th or 8th floor. All I remember was I had jelly legs and was so scared when I walked across. Plus I had to hold on to my mobile phone so tight so I wouldn't drop it. Just thinking about it and looking at this photo now terrifies me!!! But the view, it was worth it!

After visiting the Black Diamond, I caught the harbour bus (a boat) to a hip area called Refshaleøen in Copenhagen. The half hour ride only costs USD3 and is a great way to see more of Copenhagen including the famous Nyhavn, albeit from a distance. I posted about this trip here if you're interested. If you're ever in Copenhagen and don't want to spend a fortune as a tourist, both these budget activities are highly recommended to safe your arm and leg.

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That's a quite impressive library! One of the times I was in New York City, we stayed at a hostel near one of the library branches and I wish that we had taken the time to go in and look around. I bet it would have been pretty cool. I used to work in the reference section of a university library, so they are kind of special to me.

I thought you'd want to get as far away as possible from libraries if you worked in one!

But seriously, a lot of the libraries I've seen are very impressive, making good use of the space and height to create a unique environment. They're very different from normal buildings, and very nice to visit

It wasn't the library that was annoying about that job, it was the people that needed help. Then again, we had some pretty cool people in the other areas and that was nice.

That old library looks really cool! Wouldn't mind hanging around there for a bit. You make nice pictures :)

Thanks, taking good photos become so much easier nowadays with a decent
camera 🙂

Yeah, for sure! The average modern phone could even make me impersonate a photographer :D

The architecture indeed stands to it's name. Thanks for showing us around. I love how they kept the old library. I'm a bit sentimental I may have spent a bit more time there. The new one looks massive.

Have you visited the British Library yet? If you love the old library here, you'll love the British Library, highly recommended. And don't forget to see the Magna Carta if you ever go. They have two of the four surviving original copies that dates back to 1215.

Nice thanks a lot. I have not been there yet. Another one for the list. Been here for a year now and still so much to see. Thanks for the recommendation.

Such cool architecture

Yeah, the Nordics alsways do really cool stuff

Wow! It is really beautiful and gigantic this library. I love the mix between new and old, and that view of the sea from inside the building. Thanks for sharing ;)

It's a bit like walking through time here, and then from urban to Riverside, a very nice contrast

A library with both old and new areas how cool 😎 I love how it's sits off a river and how much natural light it has.

In the old days, there were no computers but people still needed a way to catalog and find books

Yup I remember this system going through public/private school. Oh no I lived in the old days, hehe. It wasn't that long ago was it 😂? We grabbed the card, looked for the book and checked out and gave card to librarian. I think that was the process it was a long time ago.

I never used that system before it was a bit before my time 😁 as I didn't go to libraries much unless I had to for studies.

A system used for a very long time. I'm happy to say there were computers but they didn't quite change that catalog system when I used it. Remember the original floppy disk the one that was floppy not this one 💾? 🤣 😂 🤣

I remember the floppy disks days!!! 🤣

Thats a pretty impressive library ! Nice to see.

It's a great place to hang put for a little while especially since it's by the waterfront

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nice library, what did you read?

It was all in Danish 😆😅

Wow! What an impressive building. Anyone would love to hang around here. Amazing!

It's certainly very nice to visit, then to go out and sit on the sun by the river. I even saw people swimming that day

The new part of the library is the free-flowing design which is my personal favourite design choice and I love working on such kind of design. The octagonal space you are talking about I call such space atrium. I don't know what others call it. I can watch the exterior facade of the black diamond for hours, it is stunning (granite blocks part).

I think if you sit across the river, you'll get a wonderful full view of the Black Diamond and see how it changes during the day as the sun moves. Certainly a great way to spend an afternoon

The new library is so cool but I prefer the old one, where I could smell the old books and mess up the place of the cards hahaha so others have some troubles finding the books 😂

So it was you!!! Messing up the cards!!!

Were you the one eating the apple pie in the library as well 🤣

Were you the one eating the apple pie in the library as well 🤣

Dang, you saw me!

Wow, I never seen that kind of big library before, I really impressed about the place you went Ma'am. 😊

Glad you enjoyed the virtual tour

Yes I really Am, Ma'am. 😊

Jesus!!! Dat library is amazing!!! How the hell did I have not seen that design architecture? and whats inside.... the old boos and documents look like something from hogwarts in Harry Potter. Beautiful stuff ddajie (little sister). hehehehe

You a Harry Potter fan?

I'm not sure if many of those catalogue systems still exists nowadays especially one that let's you touch them. It was truly very impressive. And the rest of the Black Diamond, truly amazing!!

Wow! a beautiful and striking building, the interior design is admirable as well as the decoration, the view of the river is spectacular, certainly a great library and the building is an amazing architectural work.


Looking out into the river through the massive windows on the top floor was so surreal, even though I was so scared when walking across that footbridge

I am amaze how the library looks now 🤗 for sure everyone could enjoy every moment in this library.

They certainly know how to build a spectacular building to attract users to what would otherwise be a boring mundane place

really interesting, around Europe there are very beautiful libraries that Italians dream of!

Now you mention it, I don't think I've come across any new modern buildings in Italy. But then maybe it's because I've only been to the typical touris locations in Tuscany Milan and Rome, and not the business districts.

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