Easy poll self votes bad or good ?

in dPoll10 months ago (edited)

Easy poll self votes bad or good ?

Hello, today poll ask a new question are self votes bad ? in the title i said easy poll but this isn't a easy poll since there is 3 things that can happen, selfvoting a long post (+100 words), selfvoting a comment, selfvoting a short post (-100 words). I think you easily understood what you have to do.

Now is the hard part for me since dpoll only support 1 poll with multiple answer i will have to do multiple poll in the answer. You'll see genius idea.

These are my opinion on the question :
Selfvoting a long post (+100 words) is fully okay, depending on what post it is selfvoting a short post is okay if rarely done but i would say it's okay. Selfvoting a thread/comment is an absolute no, excepte some rare situation like if you just had a very long argumentation with someone for over 100 words why not giving a small vote.

Ai image for the thumbernail :

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay

  • Yes

  • No

  • Is selfvoting a comment/thread okay ?

  • Yes 2

  • No 2

  • Is selfvoting a short post (-100 words) okay ?

  • Yes 3

  • No 3

Answer the question at dpoll.io.


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Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay

Voted for

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay

Voted for

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay

Voted for

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay

Voted for

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay

Voted for

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay
  • Is selfvoting a comment/thread okay ?
  • Is selfvoting a short post (-100 words) okay ?

Voted for

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay

It depends.


even simple question are so simple with all the parameters that can change LFG !lolz

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Due to my own error you can vote for the following questions :
Is selfvoting a short post (-100 words) okay ?
Is selfvoting a comment/thread okay ?
Let's vote in the comments

Reply or upvote this post if you think selfvoting a short post (-100 words) is okay

as said before it should be okay if not too much time

Reply or upvote this post if you think selfvoting a short post (-100 words) isn't okay

Is selfvoting a comment/thread okay ?

Reply or vote this comment to vote yes

Reply or vote this comment to vote no

depends, no in 98% of case


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No, No & No.

Voted for

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay
  • Is selfvoting a short post (-100 words) okay ?

Voted for

  • Is selfvoting a long post (+100 words) okay
  • Yes