Am I sue you or not sue you? / ¿Te demando o no te demando?

in Hive Learnerslast month

¿te demando o no te demando(1).png

Being offended is never an easy thing to deal with. It can be incredibly frustrating and even emotionally devastating. When someone wrongs us, we often feel that we want to get back at them and sometimes that means taking legal action. However, suing someone is an important decision and it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision.


Foto de Lorenz Lippert en Unsplash

At one point in my life, I was working for a company in which I had invested a lot of time and effort. However, I began to notice that my direct boss had a very unprofessional attitude towards me. He ignored my ideas and suggestions, assigned me tasks that were impossible to accomplish within the stipulated timeframe, and constantly belittled me in front of my colleagues. This situation made me feel helpless and frustrated, and I began to seriously consider suing my boss for workplace harassment.



I went so far as to consult with an attorney to evaluate my legal options and the possible repercussions of filing a lawsuit. However, during the reflection process, I began to consider other aspects of the situation. I realized that suing my boss was not only emotionally and financially draining, but could also affect my professional reputation and relationships in the workplace.

I decided to explore another alternative to resolve the situation in a more peaceful and constructive manner. I opted to speak directly with my boss and express my concerns in a calm and respectful manner. To my surprise, my boss was not receptive to my comments and continued to exhibit hostile behavior. From that moment on, I had to make a decision, and for the sake of my mental health I resigned from that job. It was not easy, but it was the best decision for me.


There are a number of factors to consider when deciding whether or not to sue someone, first and foremost, we must think about the likelihood of winning the case. If we do not have a strong case, then we are wasting time and money suing. You need to consider the costs of litigation.

Suing someone is expensive and can take a long time to go through the court system. In addition, you need to think about the emotional cost that a lawsuit can have. Going through a lawsuit is stressful and can be even more stressful if we are the plaintiffs.

We need to think about whether suing the person who hurt us is really the best way to get justice. Sometimes, the best way to get over a wrong is to simply forgive the person who hurt us and move on with our lives.


Foto de Brett Jordan en Unsplash

I'm glad I didn't sue, as it allowed me to focus on my own healing and growth as a person, plus I was able to save money and time. I got a job in a much better place and I am grateful that I was able to get through that difficult experience.

It is important to remember that suing someone is not always the best way to get justice. Sometimes the best way to get over a mistake is to simply forgive the person who hurt you and move on with your life.

This person not only mistreated me, he also mistreated other employees and suffered from bipolar disorder, after I resigned I found out that the company led by my former boss went bankrupt due to bad management policies and allegations of mistreatment towards their customers by the same person who made my work life impossible within that organization.

This is my third participation this week in the community, being this the topic developed:

This is the next batch of topics to choose from:

To Sue Or Not To Sue: Has someone ever done anything to you that made you consider suing them? Did you eventually go on to sue them? If not, what changed your mind? How were you able to move on from the event?

The first image corresponds to a collage made with the help of the graphic design program Canva, these are the fonts used:


Imagen de Mohamed Hassan en Pixabay


Fotografia de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono celular Umidigi F2.

The separator is free to use and has been provided by @onexel, Link here.

Once again, I give a big greeting to everyone, have a great weekend and enjoy participating in this dynamic.

¿te demando o no te demando.png

Ser agraviado nunca es algo fácil de afrontar. Puede ser increíblemente frustrante e incluso emocionalmente devastador. Cuando alguien nos hace daño, a menudo sentimos que queremos vengarnos de él y, a veces, eso significa emprender acciones legales. Sin embargo, demandar a alguien es una decisión importante y es importante sopesar cuidadosamente los pros y los contras antes de tomar una decisión final.


Foto de Lorenz Lippert en Unsplash

En un momento de mi vida, me encontraba trabajando en una empresa en la que había invertido mucho tiempo y esfuerzo. Sin embargo, comencé a notar que mi jefe directo tenía una actitud muy poco profesional hacia mí. Ignoraba mis ideas y sugerencias, me asignaba tareas imposibles de cumplir en el plazo estipulado y constantemente me menospreciaba frente a mis colegas. Esta situación me hacía sentir impotente y frustrado, y comencé a plantearme seriamente la posibilidad de demandar a mi jefe por acoso laboral.



Llegué a consultar con un abogado para evaluar mis opciones legales y las posibles repercusiones de presentar una demanda. Sin embargo, durante el proceso de reflexión, comencé a considerar otros aspectos de la situación. Me di cuenta de que demandar a mi jefe no solo implicaba un desgaste emocional y económico considerable, sino que también podría afectar mi reputación profesional y mis relaciones en el entorno laboral.

Decidí entonces explorar otra alternativa para resolver la situación de manera más pacífica y constructiva. Opté por hablar directamente con mi jefe y expresarle mis inquietudes de manera calmada y respetuosa. Para mi sorpresa, mi jefe no se mostró receptivo a mis comentarios y siguió presentando un comportamiento hostil. A partir de ese momento, tuve que tomar una decisión, y por el bien de mi salud mental renuncie a ese empleo. No fue fácil, pero fue la mejor decisión para mí.


Existen una serie de factores a considerar al decidir si demandar o no a alguien, antes que todo, debemos pensar en la probabilidad de ganar el caso. Si no tenemos un caso sólido, entonces estamos perdiendo tiempo y dinero demandando. Es necesario considerar los costos del litigio.

Demandar a alguien es costoso y puede llevar mucho tiempo pasar por el sistema judicial. Además, es necesario pensar en el costo emocional que puede tener una demanda. Pasar por una demanda es estresante y puede serlo aún más si somos los demandantes.

Hay que pensar si demandar a la persona que nos hizo daño es realmente la mejor manera de obtener justicia. A veces, la mejor manera de superar un error es simplemente perdonar a la persona que nos hizo daño y seguir adelante con nuestras vidas.


Foto de Brett Jordan en Unsplash

Me alegro de no haber demandado, ya que esto me permitió concentrarme en mi propia curación y crecimiento como persona, ademas de que logre ahorrar dinero y tiempo. Conseguí empleo en un lugar mucho mejor y estoy agradecido de haber podido superar esa difícil experiencia.

Es importante recordar que demandar a alguien no siempre es la mejor manera de obtener justicia. A veces, la mejor manera de superar un error es simplemente perdonar a la persona que te hizo daño y seguir adelante con tu vida.

Esta persona no solo me maltrataba a mi, maltrataba a también a otros empleados y sufría de bipolaridad, posterior a mi renuncie me entere que la empresa liderada por mi ex jefe quebró por malas políticas administrativas y por denuncias de maltrato hacia sus clientes por parte de la misma persona que hizo imposible mi vida laboral dentro de dicha organización.

Esta es mi tercera participación esta semana en la comunidad, siendo este el tópico desarrollado:

Demandar o no demandar: ¿Alguna vez alguien le ha hecho algo que le haya hecho plantearse demandarle? ¿Llegó a demandarles? En caso negativo, ¿qué te hizo cambiar de opinión? ¿Cómo pudiste superar el suceso?

La primera imagen corresponde a un collage elaborado con la ayuda del programa de diseño gráfico Canva estas son las fuentes utilizadas:


Imagen de Mohamed Hassan en Pixabay


Fotografia de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono celular Umidigi F2.

El separador es de uso gratuito y ha sido proporcionado por @onexel, Enlace aquí.

Nuevamente, les doy un gran saludo a todos, que pasen un excelente fin de semana y que disfruten participando en esta dinámica.



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 last month  

Hmmm this your boss Toh sometimes managing such people is always difficult. Is better quitting to have your peace.
It's well.

 last month  

This was a family business and my boss always had the last word, he did not accept criticism from anyone and would not listen to financial or commercial advice, he was always nervous and went quickly from absolute calm to being annoyed and impertinent. You can't work with people like that, they absorb your vitality and you feel that you don't advance in your daily work.

 last month  

It's true sir. Perfectly said

 last month  

I think you really did the right thing by quitting your job. You put yourself first and that’s all that matters. Some people never change and that doesn’t mean you have to be the one to suffer for their actions.

Sometimes it’s best to forgive and let go but sometimes it’s also good to sue.😅

 last month  

This person had a lot of money, and I believe that if I had sued I would have lost. I also could not stand the fact that I was hired to solve problems and realized that the one who caused them was the owner of the company. Many people don't like it when you tell them their truths. I simply got tired and resigned so I could rest mentally and progress professionally and economically in another company.

 last month  

You did the right thing.👍

 last month  

Not all people are the same in our society. But reading your post I understood one thing. That the job you left was much better for you. But litigation I think is not a good thing to solve a problem. It is possible to solve a problem without litigation.

 last month  

My mental health at that time was important, although in that company I learned a lot I was exhausted by the amount of tasks and functions that I was assigned in different areas such as administration, accounting, organization and methods, credit and collections, human resources, and more. Additionally, the emotional abuse by the owner was very great and it was clear that this man suffered from bipolar disorder, in fact with his children, (who also worked in the company), his behavior was similar. I tried to clarify the situation with my boss, and when I was not listened to I decided to leave the company and look for a better future elsewhere, which I did.

 last month  

I feel truly blessed to have heard your stories in my life. The time spent in your work life was much better.